Author Topic: diagnose the above user  (Read 8443 times)

you're a doctor today. diagnose the above user with something.

You have severe dancitis! This is when the victim keeps dancing nonstop.

You have been diagnosed with severe Edginess.

You have been diagnosed with severe Edginess.
you have been diagnosed with polio

You have been diagnosed with severe coolness kid syndrome.

i'm so sorry but u have the common cold
want me to just go ahead and pull the plug now

you have a severe case of gr8ness
I'm so sorry. It's always fatal. Everyone who has ever had any case of gr8ness has died. And anyone who has been on the same planet as someone with it, too.

i'm so sorry but u have the common cold
want me to just go ahead and pull the plug now
yes pls

You have been diagnosed with Hypotation, judging by how you look

you have been diagnosed with severe autism

You've been diagnosed with King Ramses' Curse