Author Topic: Level Design Megathread  (Read 5478 times)

some map I made for csgo and didn't finish a long time ago.

don't ask about it

can someone tell me how to use css props + textures for hammer

can someone tell me how to use css props + textures for hammer
I'm not at my computer so I'm working on memory, but...
1. Load up the CS:S version of hammer, you can find it in the bin of your CSS folder.
2. You should be able to load up the game directory from any other version, check your options and add the appropriate files from your CSS folder. I haven't used this though.
You can do either one of these, the second one is more proper, but the first is simpler.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 12:42:48 AM by startacker »

is that an actual level for something or just mapping practice?

what the hell am I doing??

A map made back in mid-2016. (note these aren't all the images)

first somewhat serious map
thoughts? opinions???

this is just me toying around with hammer and basic color theory

A map made back in mid-2016. (note these aren't all the images)
that's loving beautiful
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 07:51:54 PM by Kidalex90 »


am helping a friend with a map and i made a styleguide for him
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 09:36:47 PM by song bird »

can someone tell me why my skybox is doing this?
also yes i am purposely making an unnecessarily large CSGO map

can someone tell me why my skybox is doing this?
also yes i am purposely making an unnecessarily large CSGO map
give me the vmf file and i'll take a look at it