There is a strong storm here and the lights just cut off

Author Topic: There is a strong storm here and the lights just cut off  (Read 841 times)

Im scared guys, the rain is strong, the thunders too, and there is no light

Im so scared guys

99% sure you'll be fine. I'm in oklahoma where every spring and fall it's a tornado or a severe thunderstorm every few days and I'm still here

Don't worry about it, you should be perfectly fine

our power flickered off like 8 times yesterday bc of some gay ass wind

you're gonna die

No seriously, I live Texas. You'll be fine. A thunderstorm is nothing.

If you live in a place where hail is common like me, put your car under a roof.

literally as soon as i clicked on this thread i heard a huge thunderclap cause i was loading in on grimlock's island dogfight and theres a thunderstorm there

light the candles and put a salt circle around you

do you live in kentucky/virginia/west virginia

anyway do what resonte said and get some canned food too if it's really that bad

do you live in kentucky/virginia/west virginia
I live in Argentina

It was a dark and stormy night

you should drive somewhere, get your car to run out of gas, and then find someplace to stay

It calmed down a bit, but i hear screaming noises like if somebody was stealing something to another person

thunderstorm of the DAMNED