Author Topic: Michael P Megaphone Weapon  (Read 711 times)

A weapon that looks like a megaphone, and when used, makes a Michael P Scream which Instakills anyone withing a 10 stud radius, but has a very long cooldown, and can only be used by Badmins

(lands on a truss in a 2009 client, making old roroosters physics fling me into the air, stunning the player and making me fall to the endless skybox and hit the kill barrier. i react angrily with a ear pearcing scream) *2:47 of ROBLOX INAPPROPIATE PLACE 2!!! plays* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

(lands on a truss in a 2009 client, making old roroosters physics fling me into the air, stunning the player and making me fall to the endless skybox and hit the kill barrier. i react angrily with a ear pearcing scream) *2:47 of ROBLOX INAPPROPIATE PLACE 2!!! plays* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE