
Who would win in a fight?

Sam Hyde
52 (60.5%)
Shia Labeouf
34 (39.5%)

Total Members Voted: 86

Author Topic: Shia Lebouf art project - CROWDER ON SITE  (Read 22560 times)

Kimon's got a spotty history, but at least he doesn't consistently throw temper tantrums when somebody disagrees with his political view
Kimon has a spotty history because he's a loving handicap who has a long history of sperging out on politics

Thats a very nice "us vs them" mentality. Like I have said before the only way to defeat national socialist's is to beat them in open debate and discourse. When you dehumanize them, attack them, and ridicule them you only make them look right because by contrast you look afraid that what they are saying might be right.
since when is that "the only way to beat national socialists"? national socialists are delusional enough that the basis of their beliefs are fallacious and blatantly incorrect at best. im sure people told Riddler why he was wrong, but the only reason he stopped is because russia busted in and destroyed the remnants of his failed army. beyond that, i dont have to sympathize with people who advocate for genocode, arguably worse than being punched at a protest, and it is definitely an us vs them situation in that nobody in their right mind would even consider national socialistsm to be a valid political belief.
Kimon has a spotty history because he's a loving handicap who has a long history of sperging out on politics
im obviously very biased in this situation but i am pretty damn sure that ike knows more about the subject of me loving up than you do.

Kimon has a spotty history because he's a loving handicap who has a long history of sperging out on politics

He used to be a bit worse about it, but I gotta say he's been doing good on that. Beachbum's just outwardly a cunt, and everyone unanimously agrees

He used to be a bit worse about it, but I gotta say he's been doing good on that. Beachbum's just outwardly a cunt, and everyone unanimously agrees

since when is that "the only way to beat national socialists"? national socialists are delusional enough that the basis of their beliefs are fallacious and blatantly incorrect at best.

The only way to beat Neo national socialists. Kimon they hold no power. They are not a threat. You are chasing a boogeyman that barely exists and has, at most, stuffposted in recent years. Now if you want to fight with Neo national socialists then the only way you can have a leg up over them is by debating them in a fair and open debate. You know what? I can set up a livestream and get some handicap on /pol/ to debate you if you want. It shouldn't be very hard considering how blatantly wrong they are. And if you don't want me to be the mediator I'll get someone else to do it. Maybe Ike if he's up for it.

but the only reason he stopped is because russia busted in and destroyed the remnants of his failed army.

By throwing bodies at him. Don't forget that the Brits and Americans were pumping equipment into the Soviet Union like crazy and they would have been doomed without it.

i dont have to sympathize with people who advocate for genocode,

You certainly don't seem to harbour as much hatred towards Communism. You hate them because it's a boogeyman your allowed to be angry at. Ironically you dehumanize them to give you an excuse to hate, just like they did.

i dont have to sympathize with people who advocate for genocode, arguably worse than being punched at a protest, and it is definitely an us vs them situation in that nobody in their right mind would even consider national socialistsm to be a valid political belief.

Again: I'll be more than willing to livestream you debating a single national socialist from /pol/

Again: I'll be more than willing to livestream you debating a single national socialist from /pol/

I'm pretty sure even Kimon could outdebate some cumwad from /pol/.

I'm pretty sure even Kimon could outdebate some cumwad from /pol/.

Then this shouldn't be a problem. And if Kimon is too much of a pusillanimous individual then you can do it.

Then this shouldn't be a problem. And if Kimon is too much of a pusillanimous individual then you can do it.

Yeah ok

im not gonna individually quote things right now as im on my phone, but the only reason why national socialists hold no power currently is because we have been smart enough to refuse them the time of day to listen to their drivel. modern political discourse consists of arguments with no easily declarable victor, and often results in both sides conceding some points to the other. if we allow national socialists to enter a situation where one of their beliefs are conceded to be reasonable enough to an exhausted debater in public, people will start considering those points as 'possibly reasonable.' that plants the seeds necessary for people to willingly consider a national socialist's viewpoint. the reason why people listened to the inane rantings of that lunatic Riddler is because he was allowed a platform to debate and present his views to a desperate german public. if his insanity had been dismissed for what it is rather than allowing it to be considered, he would have had a much harder time worming his way into undeserved power.

im not gonna individually quote things right now as im on my phone, but the only reason why national socialists hold no power currently is because we have been smart enough to refuse them the time of day to listen to their drivel. modern political discourse consists of arguments with no easily declarable victor, and often results in both sides conceding some points to the other. if we allow national socialists to enter a situation where one of their beliefs are conceded to be reasonable enough to an exhausted debater in public, people will start considering those points as 'possibly reasonable.' that plants the seeds necessary for people to willingly consider a national socialist's viewpoint. the reason why people listened to the inane rantings of that lunatic Riddler is because he was allowed a platform to debate and present his views to a desperate german public. if his insanity had been dismissed for what it is rather than allowing it to be considered, he would have had a much harder time worming his way into undeserved power.

Okay so your too much of a pusillanimous individual to debate someone from pol

Leisure what time is good for you?

i really can't withhold a smirk when beachbum calls someone childish. literally the only thing i know about kimon is that he gets beachbum's knickers in a twist and that reflects a lot more poorly on bb than anyone else lol

Okay so your too much of a pusillanimous individual to debate someone from pol

Leisure what time is good for you?

didnt everyone just get done unanimously busting your balls for stuff like this?

i really can't withhold a smirk when beachbum calls someone childish. literally the only thing i know about kimon is that he gets beachbum's knickers in a twist and that reflects a lot more poorly on bb than anyone else lol

And here comes McZealot to make some autistic claim without any merit. Pretty typical.

didnt everyone just get done unanimously busting your balls for stuff like this?

For livestreaming? Kimon all this is showing is that you are a coward. Either you debate one of these friends or you walk away in shame

I'm gone tomorrow and Saturday, so I guess Sunday night. I assume we'd livestream this?