Author Topic: [news] THE WALL IS GOING UP  (Read 23778 times)

Get ready for a massive tax hike

are you saying that we shouldn't arrest people who break the law so that they don't get seperated from their families or are you saying we should arrest their families too
OrangeMan is trolling

I was neutral on the wall before, but now that I think about it, forget this wall. I don't want to pay off an almost pointless wall when I'm older. How about subsidizing solar and wind energy like you do with fossil fuels?

Would love it if the wall straight up fails to meet budget and becomes just another historical landmark like Hadrians wall that we can look at in about several hundred more years and be like

"Oh yeah, that was a thing, take a pretty picture!"

every time someone complains about the cost the wall gets 10 feet higher

I was neutral on the wall before, but now that I think about it, forget this wall. I don't want to pay off an almost pointless wall when I'm older. How about subsidizing solar and wind energy like you do with fossil fuels?
Get ready for a massive tax hike
taxpayer dollars

I and many other people do. Estimates have put it at around or above 20 billion, which isn't including upkeep and maintenance. I'd like my children's children not to have to pay off something that most likely won't work.
if they decide to pull the wall money out of my paycheck i'm going to be the first to protest

forget your car tires i want my money
I don't think you could scrounge $25 billion even if you drained the bank accounts of every illegal alien in our country.
so it's illegal mexican immigrants whom he wants to pay for it, not mexico.
what a cheat!
rip money

it's just over 800 km long and costs around $2 million per Km. the US border with Mexico is about 3110 Km long iirc, so if we were at least as efficient as israel, the wall would set us back $6.2 Bn. however, Annoying Orange has said the wall will cost maybe ~$12 Bn, while washington post says it's around $25 Bn, either of which are still less than 1% of our yearly budget.

that sounds like a lot of money but it's really only a small fraction of the federal budget. we could afford it, especially if we stop fighting other people's war for a while. not to mention obama threw away $34 Bn in one big gift package to israel, so i'm pretty sure we can deal with 6.2 billion. besides, american taxpayers pay, from what i recall, $84 billion annual to subsidize illegal immigration? we can just pull out money from that and STILL have

not to mention obama blew off $34 Bn off to israel in a single gift package, i'm sure we can handle a loving 6 billion - 12 billion dollar project

oh also remember, large construction is never paid for all at once and this will be spread out over a few years budget

but no, we gotta remember what john oliver and washington post told us, dont forget the 20 billion! its going to send americans BROKE!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 11:33:32 AM by Decepticon »

thats not really that much. we waste that per week on basically nothing.

I think the better point is that there are a lot of useful things we could do with $6-20 billion dollars. A wall isn't one of them.

I think the better point is that there are a lot of useful things we could do with $6-20 billion dollars. A wall isn't one of them.

john oliver
Praise be our Liberal Lord and Saviors name, he will crack jokes about Annoying Orange and bring ruin to the right wing infidels

that sounds like a lot of money but it's really only a small fraction of the federal budget. we could afford it, especially if we stop fighting other people's war for a while. not to mention obama threw away $34 Bn in one big gift package to israel, so i'm pretty sure we can deal with 6.2 billion. besides, american taxpayers pay, from what i recall, $84 billion annual to subsidize illegal immigration? we can just pull out money from that and STILL have

not to mention obama blew off $34 Bn off to israel in a single gift package, i'm sure we can handle a loving 6 billion - 12 billion dollar project

oh also remember, large construction is never paid for all at once and this will be spread out over a few years budget

but no, we gotta remember what john oliver and washington post told us, dont forget the 20 billion! its going to send americans BROKE!
The 34 billion was given to israel as military aid. this wall, which is half the price, is not even worth it. for that amount we could be doing something to actually end the cartel work, like maybe helping the mexican government regain control over land that is owned exclusively by cartels, or maybe fund intel that will help shut them down, you know, attack the source of the problem. The wall won't do much except fortify the already flimsy gate that stands between millions of people and our country, it won't do much to stop people from going in and out.

A wall can't stop people, they'll either climb over it with a ladder or dig under it. Maybe funding more security or police to patrol the area is a better decision. All and all its not the best use of 16 billion dollars that could maybe help fund something more worthwhile, like a better education system.

perry is right, a wall isnt good enough. we need to dig a moat

I say we use the $20 billion to look into forcefield technology

perry is right, a wall isnt good enough. we need to dig a moat

That would actually be cheaper and better lol

That would actually be cheaper and better lol
not when i break out...old reliable...