Author Topic: Almost 12 Years Ago I Made This Community My Home  (Read 6199 times)

Hey me too, If it wasn't for this game I wouldn't have met literally any of my friends I have on the internet
Surprisingly the only community of friends stemmed from this very game.
I'm glad to have met them or else I wouldn't have been me for all these years.
Thank you all for being here even if I don't talk to you personally, being on this forum was an experience, sadly it doesn't feel the same now than it was years ago.

did verticalhorizon just post?

OT: I came here when I was 11 and if I... Can't leave?

yo, craziest stuff here man.
earlier this year in english class we were told to write about what made us who were today.
i was like, "it's almost embarrassing to say, but an online lego game really shaped me as a person" and all that stuff.
this game MADE me. spending countless hours as a 9 year old on v7 just forgetin' around with others, having good times. so many memories were made. the community has changed my personality and how i interact with others. i wonder if i'll still be on the forums 10 years from now. or 15, or 20. i just never really see me stopping. thanks guys for everything :')

Even though we don't talk Vert, it's like I said before: Crazy how I've only known you as just some name in Blockland, and then when I meet my partner I find out that she knows and is friends with you outside of blockland.

The Memes Run Deep

Even though we don't talk Vert, it's like I said before: Crazy how I've only known you as just some name in Blockland, and then when I meet my partner I find out that she knows and is friends with you outside of blockland.

The Memes Run Deep
Wow that's a cool coincidence

played blockland for the past 9 years and without it i would have been a much better person but far less intelligent or intuitive

whether baddy realizes it or not, his creation has formed several awesome childhoods :cookieMonster:
(most of my grammatical skills come from this game)

I was 11 when I bought the game. 11 and and 5 months to be exact. I didn't join the forums until later on, and being the immature forget I was, I got banned for "Being Too Cool For The Internet". Pretty sure Mega-Bear reported me using those exact words. I haven't acted that way since. This forum taught me to actually use proper frammar on the internet. I still remember this one Skype group call back in 2012/2013 with a large group of people, but all I remember are Gatysh and Maxx. I met a few friends on here, and although I haven't talked to some of them in months, I'm thankful. I haven't been posting on here often recently, but I'll never forget these forums. From the stuffposts 11 year old me made, to me getting stabbed with a pen and bitching about it here in 7th grade, to the amazing support I received when my grandfather passed away in early 2012. I'd be a completely different person without Blockland and the forums. All because one friend named Hatzarcool showed me this game one summer night in 2011 during a sleepover. Thank you.

tl;dr - I loving love you BLF

EDIT: Oh and VerticalHorizon, I want to thank you for teaching me the Blockland Rock song on guitar, even though it was just a Youtuve video. Without you I might have never learned to play the song of my childhood.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 11:04:49 PM by K1ng_0f_N0thing »

This is a lovely post VH.

this is the best thread on the blockland forums.