do u want applause for being behind on pop culture

Do you understand what the "pop" in pop culture means lol?

The Oscars is a massive political circlejerk that chooses awards based on cash and not merit. Don't be surprised Disney won. They always do.

(Off topic, someone needs to knock them down a few pegs. I, as a conservative, think they're getting to be too big of a company. That's how massive of a company they are.)

The Oscars have no actual meaning when you account for those factors. Zootopia won because it was political and because it was Disney, despite Kubo being 50x more original of a concept and having the gall to not pander to pop culture (Regina Spektor vs. forgetira). Moonlight won because black guy and "ooh introspective and social commentary!!!111!!!11!1!11!" Self Delete Squad won because it was a bigger movie, not because it was a better movie. I don't like either SS or ST:B, but Trek's costume design far surpassed the "supa-dupa edgee" look of SS.

If you still watch the Oscars, you're wasting your time. That translates to other awards ceremonies as well. You determine what's good, and if the Hollywood establishment's interests don't line up with that, then they're going to feel it at the box office and in the ratings.
lol let me sip on these /r/the_donald tears

La La Land won the popular vote. #NotMyOscars

All those accountants in charge of counting the ballots are probably going to have a stuffty morning

i thought it was pretty well known that if you have the most money or suck up to certain companies you've already won the oscar

All those accountants in charge of counting the ballots are probably going to have a stuffty morning
i heard they just were given the wrong envelope, thats all

i heard they just were given the wrong envelope, thats all

Apparently there are multiple copies of the envelopes containing the winners, in case they lose it in any circumstance. The people handling handing the correct envelopes to the announcers forgeted up and handed the previous category copy to Warren Beatty.

How did Rogue One lose "Best Visual Effects" to the Jungle Book? What could that movie possibly have that could be better?

Kubo deserved the award for visual effects. Anyone can do CGI but that crazy stuff with the 15 foot tall claymation robot is groundbreaking. I don't think Jungle Book broke many technical barrier by reusing the Planet of the Apes CGI.

Who even came up with the idea of the oscars anyway
I mean sure movies should be remembered, but do they really need a ceremony just to point out the ones that yell, 'oh buddy, this movie won! I recommend you go watch it to see why!" I can understand actors, but that would be another story altogether.
Point is, oscars solely exist to praise movies and make several people upset, sometimes for the right reasons even.

Affirmative action took over this year's oscars.