Author Topic: I did a thing.  (Read 1156 times)

I just did a thing, and now I am in a bad situation. Give me advice to get out of it.
This is a generic "I need help in real life" thread. Say generic or vague things that could apply to any of these threads.

you have to incinerate the body then scatter the ashes across the neighborhood so nobody can found out that it was you

knife in gut, problems go away

Put the pigeon back in the bathtub

if violence doesn't solve your problems, you aren't using enough of it

just always remember that like a good neighbor state farm is there

It's okay, many people are accepting of homoloveuals these days.

just always remember that like a good neighbor state farm is there
statefarm is only there after it's too late

Well I suppose the first advice I could give you to get out of your bad situation is make the topic title and the topic itself less ambiguous, that way, the cops won't find the dangerous weapons you're storing in an abandoned factory.

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you should never cheat on someone. be open with your feelings. do not ever make them suffer through something like that