Author Topic: anyone here play toontown rewritten?  (Read 763 times)

i'm on pretty much everyday. if you've seen a green dog named "med", that's me.

i only played it up a little for the nostalgia but i've always just hated the game

i only played it up a little for the nostalgia but i've always just hated the game

why lol

used to play it, I was a cat named meow mix. 120 laff, toonupless, but ive grown up and realized how much of a bore the game really is, considering I grew up with it my whole life

same i used to grind the forget out of it as a kid for like 4 years straight. turns out that what it mostly is-- a grindfest. still a great game though.

as a person who has played the game for years, i have to say that toontown, as an rpg, is just not fun

the combat system is sluggish and dull, much more than many other rpgs. attacking takes much too long and battles can tend to drag out much more than they need to, with the long animation times and generally buggy selection of attack (sometimes attacks do not switch out for others in case your team makes a weird decision)
the game is incredibly easy. the sound gag is op, you can usually handle yourself once you get high enough in the game, and its really hard to die if you're an actual team with game sense. this game was made for young people so the game isn't that hard obviously, but the only CHALLENGE is bad challenge and it falls within the idiocy of your teammates.
the game is really long and repetitive. there might be new enemies to fight when you rise, but nothing is truly unique. there are no status effects, no enemy attacks that do anything special, nothing that will break the pace of you blowing past everything because enemies just dont have enough to throw you a curve ball and keep the game interesting. as soon as you jump into the game, you are introduced to two ways the enemies attack: single target and group target. congratulations, those are all of the attacks. they just scale in damage based on what attack and level of the enemy. all you do is fight, attack, restock, rinse and repeat. also die like a couple of times but its not like the game penalizes you too hard for doing it. also rng is just usually not in your favor. the tasks that npcs hand out can range from 'stupidly easy' to 'takes forever'.

im not mcjob-mcgame designer but this game just rubs me the wrong way. the only time i play it is when i need virtual minigolf that works

Played the original toontown when I was really young, I think I've played rewritten once or twice 4 years ago but that's probably it.