Author Topic: Mordhau is way better than chivalry check out this gameplay.  (Read 673 times)

chivalry is already about 4 and a half years old so of course with new engines and stuff it may be better
but this game really keeps the sharp and accurate movement and its got horses

I'm actually agreeing with Tony. Next I'm gonna flirt with a golem made out of mustard gas.

This one looks like it's going to require skill and be more than a contest of "who can break the engine fastest".

I'd back it, but getting into the alpha or beta vs. backing just enough to get the game is an insane price gap.
... I'm also super impatient, so I'd rather just buy the game when it comes out.

Looks like a great game, especially since Chivalry seems eh and War of the Roses was abandoned by the devs.