Author Topic: ITT: We all are the autistic stereotype  (Read 1382 times)

There are more then 2 genders, its a spectrum you cis scum.
I voted for hillary because drumpf is literally Riddler.
Im with antifa.
Peta is right you know.

Ive had anxiety for much over 3 years now
Im p sure the over exposure isnt goint to help.
Im just going to text my mom about it. It seems to be the easiest way.
Jfc coming out was easier what the forget even

/r9k/ is the only good board

There are more then 2 genders, its a spectrum you cis scum.
I voted for hillary because drumpf is literally Riddler.
Im with antifa.
Peta is right you know.

You're trying too hard

he he epic monkey chezburger u cannot count to 6 million!!!!