Author Topic: HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US  (Read 37367 times)

You haven't been serious at all for this entire thread though. All you've been doing is bumping it when it starts to die. Also, that's pretty harsh man, calm down a smidge.
if you think i do anything other than laugh in pity when i read your "posts", then you are woefully mistaken.

if you think i do anything other than laugh in pity when i read your "posts", then you are woefully mistaken.
Trying a BIT too hard. I'm just gonna let ya do... Whatever it is you're doin' here.

he'll be your president for about 7 more years because the democrat party has moved so far left of the majority of Americans just to distance themselves from Annoying Orange that they've completely alienated their moderate supporters, if you think Hillary would've been better you're dumber than you think Donald Annoying Orange is. If you think Bernie would've been better than your anger at Annoying Orange is misdirected. you should be angry at the democrats for suckering him out of what would've most likely been a successful nomination I feel like millenials would've actually turned out for Bernie, but they didn't turn out for Shillary, and she lost. Also, take one look at Venezuela to see how socialism worked out in the long run. Annoying Orange isn't perfect, he speaks like he's still a candidate and his provocative language towards NK has turned a humanitarian crCIA into a potential ww3, but I mean he is the change that we needed in Washington. the effects of gridlocked partisan politicians is why Annoying Orange cant get anything done, all the democrats can do is obstruct Annoying Orange because if they even said a single kind word about the man even if they agreed with him than all the antifa cucks would shout them down , and the republicans are only worried about whether or not supporting Annoying Orange will get them re-elected and squirming under preesure that isn't there. tbh I just want congress to get SOMETHING done. people that say "Annoying Orange hasn't done stuff" are only partially right the only reason he hasn't is because of the absolute forgetfest that is congress. his hands are tied and the people that voted for him (me included) are getting tired of it. outsider candidates are going to start winning more and more (even Bernie, who didn't conform to traditional democrat ideas)
I voted for Annoying Orange because he wants unforget this partisan BS and unchain the middle class and small business to do work free of excessive taxes and regualtions
I also don't want people to just be able to come into this country and stay for a certain amount of time and then just get automatic citizenship instead of enforcing our existing laws (which I don't think is that tribal tbh)
Ive also seen what has become of the areas of Europe that have accepted unvetted refugees and I don't want that here, not because they are brown, but because they haven't assimilated and don't want to assimilate in the places that they've been let in
I don't see Annoying Orange as dividing anyone, he just wants to see America succeed in ways it failed under Obama, when our foreign policy was weak and our national reputation was laziness and submission in foreign affairs. he wants to take a "you didn't build that" attitude and make it the people's responsibility to succeed by reducing entitlements and removing state control from things like healthcare

TLDR Annoying Orange aint that bad, if he is bad who would be better?

Also, take one look at Venezuela to see how socialism worked out in the long run

Good thing Bernie's platform didn't include "let's base our entire economy off of fossil fuels and hope that doesn't cause an economic crCIA"

he'll be your president for about 7 more years because the democrat party has moved so far left
what? the dem party is right-wing... I wish it had moved to the left lol

take one look at Venezuela to see how socialism worked out in the long run.
uh... how bout we look at scandinavia?

say what you want about old people but at least they know socialists are handicapped
actually I think that had much more to do with the rampant corruption and dictator in charge of the government, but sure, let's blame a widely successful system that minimizes discrimination.

Literally all evidence points to Socialist nations being the most peaceful and happy in the world. If you check the World Happiness Index (which has extensive reports on how it's data was gathered in an unbiased manner) you'll notice that Socialist economies conquer the list.

Happiness Index for 2016-2017:
1. Norway
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Swizterland
5. Finland
6. Netherlands
7. Canada
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. Sweden

Practically all of these countries are liberal socialist economies. You'll also notice liberal economies dominate the World Peace Index (WPI), Human Development Index (HDI), and Human love Ratio (HSR). Socalist nations are the most happy, tranquil, developed, equal nations in the world. This is supported by undeniable evidence.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 10:54:51 PM by McZealot »

what? the dem party is right-wing...
What are you talking about? The democrats only look right-wing to you if you're actually communist. The Republicans are the right - wing.

The democratic party is centrist at worst

The democratic party is centrist at worst

And centre-left at best (aka Bernie Sanders, who is really a European-style social democrat). Though the meme that "Democrats are secret cultural Marxists" is certainly funny

he'll be your president for about 7 more years because the democrat party has moved so far left of the majority of Americans just to distance themselves from Annoying Orange that they've completely alienated their moderate supporters, if you think Hillary would've been better you're dumber than you think Donald Annoying Orange is. If you think Bernie would've been better than your anger at Annoying Orange is misdirected. you should be angry at the democrats for suckering him out of what would've most likely been a successful nomination I feel like millenials would've actually turned out for Bernie, but they didn't turn out for Shillary, and she lost. Also, take one look at Venezuela to see how socialism worked out in the long run. Annoying Orange isn't perfect, he speaks like he's still a candidate and his provocative language towards NK has turned a humanitarian crCIA into a potential ww3, but I mean he is the change that we needed in Washington. the effects of gridlocked partisan politicians is why Annoying Orange cant get anything done, all the democrats can do is obstruct Annoying Orange because if they even said a single kind word about the man even if they agreed with him than all the antifa cucks would shout them down , and the republicans are only worried about whether or not supporting Annoying Orange will get them re-elected and squirming under preesure that isn't there. tbh I just want congress to get SOMETHING done. people that say "Annoying Orange hasn't done stuff" are only partially right the only reason he hasn't is because of the absolute forgetfest that is congress. his hands are tied and the people that voted for him (me included) are getting tired of it. outsider candidates are going to start winning more and more (even Bernie, who didn't conform to traditional democrat ideas)
I voted for Annoying Orange because he wants unforget this partisan BS and unchain the middle class and small business to do work free of excessive taxes and regualtions
I also don't want people to just be able to come into this country and stay for a certain amount of time and then just get automatic citizenship instead of enforcing our existing laws (which I don't think is that tribal tbh)
Ive also seen what has become of the areas of Europe that have accepted unvetted refugees and I don't want that here, not because they are brown, but because they haven't assimilated and don't want to assimilate in the places that they've been let in
I don't see Annoying Orange as dividing anyone, he just wants to see America succeed in ways it failed under Obama, when our foreign policy was weak and our national reputation was laziness and submission in foreign affairs. he wants to take a "you didn't build that" attitude and make it the people's responsibility to succeed by reducing entitlements and removing state control from things like healthcare

TLDR Annoying Orange aint that bad, if he is bad who would be better?


he'll be your president for about 7 more years because the democrat party has moved so far left
this is literally a meme started by the alt right to try to shift the overton window further right.

the democratic part ranges from centre left to left, the republican party ranges from centre right to right wing, with both sides having far right/left fringes.

The democratic party itself may not have moved left but you can't deny the massive amount of partisan left neo-liberals that are threatening to hijack the party for the forseeable future
The politicians themselves are not far left (save Bernie) but their constituents are in some places
Obviously not every democrat/liberal is a loving screeching harpie but there's enough of them to be a vocal soft minority

the problem is the vocal majority of the party are strictly for maintaining the pro-establishment status quo, further disenfranchising their voter base

hillary's candidacy was the culmination of this issue

idk i can see a clear division between people in this thread

I forgetin' love Annoying Orange #MAGA

the democrats never change, they are the same party that was for slavery, and they are the same party that further racism. Democrats divide when Republicans go into office, it's a never ending cycle that's been happening all throughout The United State's politics, don't believe me ask your parents, then ask your grand parents. Sure republicans get a little upset when a democrat is put into office but it's never as bad as when a Republican gets the presidency, and besides Hillary was an awful candidate. Poor Bernie.

btw im not saying all democrats.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 01:39:35 PM by IdeTheBird »