Author Topic: anitfa might be considered as terrorists now  (Read 17412 times)

If your posts weren't so cancerous they'd fit pretty nicely in the retirement home

say what you want about old people but at least they know socialists are handicapped

"hah your ideas or OLD and OUTDATED it is the CURRENT YEAR!!!111" forget off John Oliver

I don't even watch John Oliver
The right can't meme folks

I don't even watch John Oliver
The right can't meme folks

'no i dont LOL PWNED'

say what you want about old people but at least they know socialists are handicapped
You're use of the word 'socialist' is embarrassingly uneducated. Literally all evidence points to Socialist nations being the most peaceful and happy in the world. If you check the World Happiness Index (which has extensive reports on how it's data was gathered in an unbiased manner) you'll notice that Socialist economies conquer the list.

Happiness Index for 2016-2017:
1. Norway
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Swizterland
5. Finland
6. Netherlands
7. Canada
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. Sweden

Practically all of these countries are liberal socialist economies. You'll also notice liberal economies dominate the World Peace Index (WPI), Human Development Index (HDI), and Human love Ratio (HSR). Socalist nations are the most happy, tranquil, developed, equal nations in the world. This is supported by undeniable evidence.

You're use of the word 'socialist' is embarrassingly uneducated. Literally all evidence points to Socialist nations being the most peaceful and happy in the world. If you check the World Happiness Index (which has extensive reports on how it's data was gathered in an unbiased manner) you'll notice that Socialist economies conquer the list.

Practically all of these countries are liberal socialist economies. You'll also notice liberal economies dominate the World Peace Index (WPI), Human Development Index (HDI), and Human love Ratio (HSR). Socalist nations are the most happy, tranquil, developed, equal nations in the world. This is supported by undeniable evidence.

Practically all of these countries are liberal socialist economies. You'll also notice liberal economies dominate the World Peace Index (WPI), Human Development Index (HDI), and Human love Ratio (HSR). Socalist nations are the most happy, tranquil, developed, equal nations in the world. This is supported by undeniable evidence.

the only thing here that's undeniable is that you can't recognize a socialist country if it came in and forgeted your underage girlfriend. none of those countries are socialist or even close to it. they're heavily regulated capitalist economies that have the benefit of being defended by us. their tax rates are off the loving charts and they're extremely homogeneouswhite af. they've been having extremely slow growth which is leading to them not wanting to have a tax rate of 60%

Yea, of course I'm a socialist. I want to live in an actually happy country.

lol i love how you took this out. are you having a self esteem issue buddy? or did you remember how much of a loving vagina you are

You're use of the word 'socialist' is embarrassingly uneducated. Literally all evidence points to Socialist nations being the most peaceful and happy in the world.

Good thing they're propped up by capitalist America or they'd be just as miserable as the rest of second world Europe, am I right lads

Good thing they're propped up by capitalist America or they'd be just as miserable as the rest of second world Europe, am I right lads
China and Russia--Communist and former Communist countries, hold the second and third biggest militaries in the world. Communist nations tend to be highly militaristic, with North Korea and Vietnam as prime examples. There is zero correlation between left-right economics and military strength in the long-term.

Norway and other Scandinavian countries are not weak at all for their size. Many of these countries have mandatory military service for all youth as well as a constant northern border patrol that literally guards state lines within the arctic. Some of these countries even have mandatory gun ownership. You're representation of left-wing economies and weak and vulnerable could not be further from the truth.

the only thing here that's undeniable is that you can't recognize a socialist country if it came in and forgeted your underage girlfriend.
I'm gonna ignore your cringey attempt at a burn and focus on the fact that you really don't know what modern Socalism even is. I guess it makes sense, because you seem to use the word as whatever would work for the sickest meme at the current time. You're acting like Socialism and Capitalism are incompatible but they aren't at all and they never should be. The only countries that remove capitalism from the equation are full-blown Communism regimes (and even China is extremely capitalist despite this). Socialism is the midway between Capitalism and Communism and mediation should always be taken in regards to political ideals.

lol i love how you took this out. are you having a self esteem issue buddy? or did you remember how much of a loving vagina you are
What? No, I cut out about half the post because it was too long. Do you not support concise writing? I feel like I just got hit with a brick of physical stupidity.
The bulk of the article seems to suggest that Scandinavia isn't socalist because they aren't full-blown Communism dystopias. She literally says Sweden is no longer Socialist because they fixed a taxation system that literally taxed someone for more than 100% of their income. They also say that the 1% carry less weight in Scandinavia than they do in the US--but of course they would, because Scandinavia doesn't have as many extremely rich people. This is because they aren't individualist societies that view gathering extreme riches as an ideal life, and also because people who do think that way tend to leave the country for taxation purposes--which is fine. They also suggest that Scandinavians tend to hold more personal debt than Americans--but they also have many more fallback measures which would prevent them from bankruptcy in the case of losing a job or becoming injured. Half of all Americans are just $700 from bankruptcy, so their debts could be much more severe. They then suggest Swizterland is an extremely capitalist nation--citing claims such as the lack of a minimum wage, which ignores the powerful unions that generally require a minimum wage of $25 dollars an hour. This entire article is bunk, misrepresenting both capitalist and socialist countries.

people narking on Red Spy for quoting the way he does is just cherry picking

Norway and other Scandinavian countries are not weak at all for their size. Many of these countries have mandatory military service for all youth as well as a constant northern border patrol that literally guards state lines within the arctic.

Wonder how they pay for all that

Go back to r/athiesm Mczealot

The bulk of the article seems to suggest that Scandinavia isn't socalist because they aren't full-blown Communism dystopias. She literally says Sweden is no longer Socialist because they fixed a taxation system that literally taxed someone for more than 100% of their income. They also say that the 1% carry less weight in Scandinavia than they do in the US--but of course they would, because Scandinavia doesn't have as many extremely rich people. This is because they aren't individualist societies that view gathering extreme riches as an ideal life, and also because people who do think that way tend to leave the country for taxation purposes--which is fine. They also suggest that Scandinavians tend to hold more personal debt than Americans--but they also have many more fallback measures which would prevent them from bankruptcy in the case of losing a job or becoming injured. Half of all Americans are just $700 from bankruptcy, so their debts could be much more severe. They then suggest Swizterland is an extremely capitalist nation--citing claims such as the lack of a minimum wage, which ignores the powerful unions that generally require a minimum wage of $25 dollars an hour. This entire article is bunk, misrepresenting both capitalist and socialist countries.
im pretty sure TheFedaralist is a joke site
man you'd write a paragraph over anything

im pretty sure TheFedaralist is a joke site
man you'd write a paragraph over anything

to be fair it didn't look like one