Author Topic: Axolotl Class star freighter, Save file included  (Read 2977 times)


I reccomend using Trueno's colorset

A while ago, I had started working on an enormous freighter starship, sadly I lost my computer, and the save file with it.
Using the screenshots I managed to rebuild it in a span of 2 days, now the hull is ~90% done and the interiors about 60%.

Here is a pic of it:

New escape pod and interior:

New tug loader ship

Living quarters sans walls

Shot of the multi-level engne room

« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 12:19:42 PM by Serge64 »

Thanks :D
If I keep the pace perhaps I'll be finished ina week or so.
Here's a cross section of the ship:

Very nice, what will you do with it?
I'd imagine it'd work very nicely as a AvP game.

Very nice, it's good to see others still building spaceships these days

Very nice, what will you do with it?
I'd imagine it'd work very nicely as a AvP game.
Surely, but I was picturing it more for an RP, or as scenery prop for a space dogfight

i think this is the coolest little thing

You should do this in StarMade.

cool salamander spaceship thing

i think this is the coolest little thing

cool salamander spaceship thing

Thanks :D

You should do this in StarMade.

Interesting, but I dont like cube builds

As of 05/17, the build is about 90% done, both interiors, details and structure, the only thing left after that is some eventing for the hatches and doors

Updated cross section:
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 01:21:15 PM by Serge64 »

I'd love to take some DOF screenies of this, it looks cool.

Bump for .bls file

Also, it is not as interactive as I would like, but pretty much all doors and airlocks work properly with events