Author Topic: How come the child support system is so broken?  (Read 9098 times)

No, if they have less of an IQ but still have the motivation and advanced maturity, then have at it, But my IQ being higher than usual does help.
holy forget bro. do you realize you're a living meme

holy forget bro. do you realize you're a living meme
It's not all it's cracked up to be.
I didn't choose the meme life, the meme life chose me.

It's not all it's cracked up to be.
I didn't choose the meme life, the meme life chose me.

These little urchins are everywhere, whether you're poor, rich, middle class, everyone has one of these forgeters.
god, aren't you so troubled? whomst'd've will be master matthew's knight in shining armor to protect him from the glass menace

It's not all it's cracked up to be.
I didn't choose the meme life, the meme life chose me.
im not kidding dude. you're the real life version of those guys online who think they're better than everyone else because they dont use a smartphone and took an IQ test once. that's not even an exaggeration; those are real views you hold. is this what you envision for yourself? is this really who you want to be?

How do they expect people to pay when they revoke your driver's license? You can't work if you can't drive.
yes you can

i currently do this

master "uneducated" matthew, i don't think anyone in the world is as much of a living meme as "you're"
u do realize that if education was made optional then every stuffty parent there ever was would jump to forcibly dropping their kid out of school because the parent is lazy or whatever

what a pathetic waste of "good genetics" and a "high iq"
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 10:50:21 PM by Drydess »

how come lord tony's brain is so broken

The part where I was born with a Higher IQ, The part where I was genetically enabled to make better decisions at a younger age, I was able to live smarter, be smarter.
You were genetically enabled to make better decisions yet you still argue about politics and random autism on a internet forum?

contraception costs money thot

You can get a pack of condoms for like .25

The part where I was born with a Higher IQ, The part where I was genetically enabled to make better decisions at a younger age, I was able to live smarter, be smarter, instead of living a life of snapchat filters and tumblr posts.
you're a literal handicap
get off your high horse, ForeverAlone

Amazing that the entirety of the forum, regardless of other differences, agrees that Master Matthew should stop posting.

brother was BORN with a high IQ. makes sense to me, boss.

The part where I was born with a Higher IQ, The part where I was genetically enabled to make better decisions at a younger age, I was able to live smarter, be smarter, instead of living a life of snapchat filters and tumblr posts.
just fyi there's like 20 furries laughing at u rn