Author Topic: Napalm (85647) - Vietnam RP  (Read 3056 times)

ok so this drama is going to be weird because I forgot that crtl p didn't take screenshots of the gui but i assure you if you join the server and do as I did below you'll get the same response

so this napalm dude hosts this vietnam roleplay with this really symetrical 4x4 only modter blocks and duplicated tree from the I can see. Any complaint I gave him valid or not he just said to shut up. the dude can not take criticism at all. the ban message which I could get is this.

just join the server right now and make any suggestion he won't take it lightly

previous names if it helps anyone:

Kawaii Mudkipz?
That's him? Jesus christ.

christ joined the server and its one of the most boring "rp" servers ever lmao

you literally have to roleplay in chat every single action you do as well

some folks are born made to wear the flag

jesus christ this is the third (i think) drama on this dude.

He may be a nice guy, but hosting definatley isn't his strong suit. He cannot take criticism, even when building. I have a pictures showing his close-mindedness with criticism:
Ignore the tiny text and stuff editing. But, seriously, don't say something as passive agressive as that. Say something like, "Oh, I'll keep tat in mind," or, "Sorry, but I'm already working on something right now. maybe later."

Kawaii Mudkipz?
That's him? Jesus christ.
that name is weaponized autism

i like it when my out-of-date memes have "kawaii" slapped on them just to make them more relevant
also /support this dude sounds like a piece of stuff

loving hell.

do you have any chatlogs

no planr if you don't believe it thats fine but i encourage you the next time he hosts to join and give your experience on it

im not doubting your word or anything i just wish i could see more out of curiosity

he kept asking people that joined if they were here for the drama, the map was pretty bland but i didn't see him being much of an starfish

he kept asking people that joined if they were here for the drama, the map was pretty bland but i didn't see him being much of an starfish
Maybe he realized he's in the wrong after seeing this drama? Or maybe he was just having a bad day.

Anywho this guy doesn't seem that great from the pictures, but after what randomtroll said I'm guessing he's either not like it or he's changed.

I have further evidence that you should avoid this man at all costs.