Author Topic: Richard Spencer gets bulied by woman in gym, loses gym membership  (Read 26607 times)

Too bad literally noone likes national socialists
literally a quick google search is enough to see why this is not true

like believe me i wish i could also just say that nobody likes national socialists and blow them off too, but that is exactly how they manage to fly under the radar so well. just saying "well nobody likes them so they arent an issue" is exactly what allows them to stick around and grow

obviously nobody is going to accept neo-national socialistsm if it says that on the tin, but if you can convince people that they're being endangered in some way, it's pretty trivial to drum up a pretty solid national socialist-like movement. just like how the actual national socialists were able to come into power and get away with so much.

like believe me i wish i could also just say that nobody likes national socialists and blow them off too, but that is exactly how they manage to fly under the radar so well. just saying "well nobody likes them so they arent an issue" is exactly what allows them to stick around and grow

Stick and grow into what? A bunch of handicaps chanting stuff in a park? Big loving deal. national socialist groups will never gain any sport of power in the US

national socialist groups will never gain any sport of power in the US
literally how can you say this

literally how can you say this

You're right. We're going to be under complete national socialist rule in 10 years

literally how can you say this

We aren't Germany after getting assforgeted in a war. The US would have to be in loving ruins for national socialists to rise to power. And I do mean actual, white supremacist, straight up national socialists, not whatever boiled down milquetoast you think a national socialist is.

I feel like Riddler would be insulted by modern national socialists

We aren't Germany after getting assforgeted in a war. The US would have to be in loving ruins for national socialists to rise to power. And I do mean actual, white supremacist, straight up national socialists, not whatever boiled down milquetoast you think a national socialist is.
i think "national socialist" is being used as a convenient (but obviously historically inaccurate) label for the general concept of a prejudice-fueled, demagogue-led rule that seeks to categorically eliminate certain citizens from a population, whether by forceful expulsion, containment, or execution. the ultimate ends of such a rule aren't going to be put up at the very start. it's entirely possible that you might end up in a situation where a very significant portion of your society has been convinced that a certain ideology, trait, race, or nationality is fundamentally dangerous to their survival, and if this happens, you can absolutely end up in a situation where the government and its citizens advocate for this sort of action. it's happened in history many times, and it can and will happen again.

Well yeah, but like I said earlier, that'd only happen if the other side allowed it to happen. I can see it going in that direction if Annoying Orange hadn't won the election and started the pendulum swing, you know? As it stands, at worst we have people like Richard Spencer, who no one outside of a very small demographic takes seriously, because at least in America, we don't have much to afraid of in terms of people coming in and wrecking our stuff. In placed like Germany and Britain and France, where terror attacks seem to occur on a monthly basis, I could see how a national socialistesque party could come into power, because they have legitimate fuel for fear to use, and instead of acknowledging these fears as understandable and well conceived, the other side is trying to shout people down with claims of racism and Islamophobia, which is only making people genuinely start to hate middle eastern(er?)s and Muslims. It'd be like if the anti-muslim sentiment that was widespread after 9/11 didn't quiet down because the government told everyone to shut up about Islam instead of dealing with the issue. Eventually a party would come around that would promise to take care of the issue, and the people would be extremely accepting of it given the circumstances.
Any national socialists gaining power should be a clear sign to the opposition to get their stuff together.

I feel like Riddler would be insulted by modern national socialists

I think everyone in history would feel insulted at this point

i think "national socialist" is being used as a convenient (but obviously historically inaccurate) label for the general concept of a prejudice-fueled, demagogue-led rule that seeks to categorically eliminate certain citizens from a population, whether by forceful expulsion, containment, or execution.

it was colloquial, i figured this forum would have been able to understand

Well yeah, but like I said earlier, that'd only happen if the other side allowed it to happen. I can see it going in that direction if Annoying Orange hadn't won the election and started the pendulum swing, you know? As it stands, at worst we have people like Richard Spencer, who no one outside of a very small demographic takes seriously, because at least in America, we don't have much to afraid of in terms of people coming in and wrecking our stuff. In placed like Germany and Britain and France, where terror attacks seem to occur on a monthly basis, I could see how a national socialistesque party could come into power, because they have legitimate fuel for fear to use, and instead of acknowledging these fears as understandable and well conceived, the other side is trying to shout people down with claims of racism and Islamophobia, which is only making people genuinely start to hate middle eastern(er?)s and Muslims. It'd be like if the anti-muslim sentiment that was widespread after 9/11 didn't quiet down because the government told everyone to shut up about Islam instead of dealing with the issue. Eventually a party would come around that would promise to take care of the issue, and the people would be extremely accepting of it given the circumstances.
Any national socialists gaining power should be a clear sign to the opposition to get their stuff together.
i think you are seriously underestimating the severity of racism and xenophobia in america.
but that's just me