Author Topic: Plaza or something  (Read 1336 times)

Making a park plaza i guess

Still need to set up lights, trees, garbage cans, and some other stuff like cars and background buildings

What do you guys think?

« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 02:00:42 PM by Im_Gay.avi »

thats good, there should be a small playground connected to it

yea still looks pretty barren without trees
the fountain is nice

looks more like a plaza but its still nice

"Virtual plaza welcomes you and you'll welcome it too."

Made more progress including streets and trees (I realized I am not the best at making trees with bricks)

Thoughts on what I could do better?

street lights
traffic lights
background buildings

My friend and me (Tinsel) created something that looks similiar to this a few months back.
Looks nice.