Author Topic: Is there a butterfly-type net weapon/tool?  (Read 1134 times)

something like this

I did some searching on the forums here and on Swollow's RTB archive and couldn't find anything. You'll likely need to make it yourself or ask someone to make it.

Oddly, I feel like I've seen an add-on like this before. Granted, my memory may be a bit muddled. If I'm correct in my thinking that something like this used to exist, it would be quite old by now and hence would likely be broken anyway.

Sorry, I've been playing for 7 years and I don't remember ever seeing an add-on like that.

Out of curiosity, what do you need it for?

what should it do? i could possibly whip up a real simple model/addon

what should it do? i could possibly whip up a real simple model/addon
i'm not exactly sure how to describe it, but i'd like it to function in the same way that the rpg pickaxe and axe functions, where it doesn't really do anything unless bound with an event related to it