Author Topic: Guys, All my books, news papers, and things that have words are blank.  (Read 1080 times)

Guys, All my books, news papers, and things that have words are blank.

So I woke up this morning to find anything in my entire house that had words written on it, were blank, almost as if the words were ripped right off of them, whether they were movies or books, they just had nothing on them. And I don't know why, but anything digital, or anything that wasn't directly written in English is still there, like Logos with letters and only letters for example, but not the words accompanying them or if their name was a word. Like my Nintendo Switch dock only has the logo now, but most of keys on my keyboard or fine.

What should I do?

also how the forget did you type this entire paragraph without making a single grammatical error if you cant see letters

are you hallucinating

also how the forget did you type this entire paragraph without making a single grammatical error if you cant see letters
No no, None of the letters or logos are gone, only words, pretty much all the useful keys, except for the E and I keys are still here, besides, I'm a touch typist anyway.
What's really strange is that I didn't make a grammatical error regardless.

I'm a touch typist anyway.
What's really strange is that I didn't make a grammatical error regardless.
did you make this thread just to show off how good you are at typing

          !                     !!!    .              ?

for privacy reasons, all text will now be written using invisible ink

This is great stuffposting.

whoa, thats crazy! lol