Author Topic: autistic transmission brony spergs out and shoots up a supermarket, 3 dead  (Read 6943 times)

dont drag this stuff into my thread you'll summon him
just because it has brony in the title probably means he isn't even allowed to post in it

my anti seabear circle protects me

you guys are alright
some of you guys are alright. don't go to the supermarket tommorow.
farewell space robots

half of article talks about his mental health issues
couldnt keep friends or relationships.


"his obsession with a Nickelodeon cartoon character...he started cross-dressing...wanted a love change operation"

well duhhhhh lol
classic liberal man-child. there are too many of them, but you can pick them out of a crowd just by sight alone.
i can tell you what he wore the day he did it all. i know what music he listened to. i know who he voted for. i know his opinions on having a job. and i promise you the guys he killed bullied him for it all lol.

classic XD
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 08:06:07 PM by Bisjac »

I skimmed the video looking for the brony thing and didn't see it. That's why I asked you to point it out. Wasn't meaning to be rude, y'all're acting like I said "F*** CLICKBAIT A** TITLE YOU IDIOT HE'S NOT A BRONY WHERE'S YOUR PROOF." Maybe be polite for once, it won't kill you. Probably.

Also, you're going for a headline feel with the title, but no self respecting newspaper would use those first four words. Three are disrespectful, two are slang, one is possibly  inaccurate. I'd recommend just changing it to the title of the article or something like it. First three words aren't title worthy details either, possibly excepting 2, though the specific word is still unprofessional.

More on topic though, who the heck does this? I can understand snapping one day, but not planning something like this.
If you're taking your own life and nothing can stop you, just do it, don't take others with you. Still, don't commit Self Delete, that's like throwing a game because you're behind a few points. It's never the best answer, at least not in any situation where you aren't facing torture and then death with a 100% chance.

I skimmed the video looking for the brony thing and didn't see it. That's why I asked you to point it out. Wasn't meaning to be rude, y'all're acting like I said "F*** CLICKBAIT A** TITLE YOU IDIOT HE'S NOT A BRONY WHERE'S YOUR PROOF." Maybe be polite for once, it won't kill you. Probably.
autism unleashed

bruh, pal, friendo, dude
this isnt the place to find professional journalism

More undeniable evidence that all Hardcore Gamers are leftists

so was he an angry trans or was he mad that people wouldn't animate his stupid loving danny phantom bullstuff or what

is he just insane

so was he an angry trans or was he mad that people wouldn't animate his stupid loving danny phantom bullstuff or what

is he just insane
probably just insane/mentally ill. there are a lot of tranloveuals who don't kill people, so i'd say its probably something else or a combination of things. and of course, a person like this guy is the type to take his cartoon ghost obsession too far, so hey, maybe that part did play a role.

probably just insane/mentally ill. there are a lot of tranloveuals who don't kill people, so i'd say its probably something else or a combination of things. and of course, a person like this guy is the type to take his cartoon ghost obsession too far, so hey, maybe that part did play a role.

but all transloveuals are mentally ill. dosnt mean they are killers of course.