Someone is impersonating me on Caravan Gaming Discord

Author Topic: Someone is impersonating me on Caravan Gaming Discord  (Read 1419 times)

I recently received 2 messages. One asking me if I was on the CGD and the other telling me that someone is claiming to me.

It was Verification/Unova. He was using your alias as cover. He has been permabanned. Thank you for replying to Darryl's PM.

From various reports we assume it's Unova (A permanently banned user on our Discord) trying to get back into cvg.

Verification strikes again.

He was basically sucking his own richard on the discord too, constantly talking about himself

He was basically sucking his own richard on the discord too, constantly talking about himself

And he said I had a big ego.

constantly talking about himself
As me? Or was he pretending that I thought he was great?

As me? Or was he pretending that I thought he was great?
He was acting like a fanboy pretty much, always talked about himself, being friends with him, always defending him no matter what, etc etc

i'm not surprised that he hasn't changed

i bet this'll be moved to drama