What do you think of this home wars game?

Author Topic: What do you think of this home wars game?  (Read 1317 times)

that actually seems pretty cool
i mean it's not the prettiest looking thing but i like the idea of it

reminds me of those old ps1 army men games

that UI looks disgusting and looking at the models it seems like the army man premise is just an excuse not to make textures

as for the gameplay... dunno, maybe it's fun?

that UI looks disgusting and looking at the models it seems like the army man premise is just an excuse not to make textures

as for the gameplay... dunno, maybe it's fun?
well i mean there's still the textures on the bugs and interior, i think the toy army man thing is more of a throwback than anything
the steam reviews are very positive as well and the dev seems to be pretty involved with the community and willing to fix bugs and stuff
and as the top review says this is a good example of gameplay over graphics

yea i'd say it's probably worth the $9 and even if you hate it for whatever reason there's always the steam refund thing

I am 40 cents away from buying it and trying to sell stuff on the market will take like 13 days to go through.

I bought it and its fairly interesting but still needs a lot of work. I've gotten 8 hours out of it and ive only done 2 campaigns on the same map, havent really gotten into advanced stages but tactics wise its a little lacking atm

good news is the devs have updated every day since release and actually read discussion threads and seem to be taking ideas and suggestions into account

looks a lot like a roblox game

Graphics are stuff but it looks like a fun game, I might buy it when I have some spare change