Author Topic: Whats your religion [TEST]  (Read 5609 times)

thats probably the best top 3 you can get lol

So radical moderates, poo in the loo, and pink


So radical moderates, poo in the loo, and pink

as opposed to deus vult, captain hooknose, and tips fedora

as opposed to deus vult, captain hooknose, and tips fedora

I mean mine was just Deus vult 3 times

pretty interesting test. i'm not surprised by how high liberal quakers were. my sociology professor was a quaker and i agreed with him in many areas.

i guess i'd identify best as non-theist or secular humanist, which i'll have to look deeper into.

Apparently 100% Jehovah's Witness

Which I am not

not surprised one bit

literally almost like everyone else

Apparently 100% Jehovah's Witness

Which I am not
this gave me a good laugh

im woke 👁

although i don't agree with the questions on punishment for wrongdoings, my belief is that any time a wrong is committed, there is punishment in the physical world, but in the spiritual world, it is only for you to learn a lesson when you commit a wrongdoing

unless it said that somewhere and im just handicapped
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 08:13:30 PM by blockguy™ »

question 12 is stupid because it's missing an actually theologically sane answer

i got 100% mainline ccp and 96% seventh day adventist, 90% for orthodox/catholic

Secular Humanism (100%) - (what is the difference between this and atheism)

Non-theist (77%) - (huh?)

Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (75%) - (okay)

Scientology (31%) - (lol)

Islam (9%) - (allahu ackbar)

Roman Catholic (1%) - (not gonna molest me)

(what is the difference between this and atheism)

one is actually useful

one is actually useful

Secular humanism is so loving gay that even athiests don't want to be associated with it.