Author Topic: so are we just not doing suburbia anymore or what  (Read 3480 times)

Do you care enough?
if i were to release it i would have to rewrite most of it so it would be easier to maintain and fix bugs for and im not convinced the mod is useful enough or will be popular enough to warrant such effort. addtionally i would have to make a server sided mod for the thing so the server could tell the client which sounds to play for certain vehicles. engine sounds are at best a gimmick that you hear and are impressed by once before you don't care anymore and turn them off because they're honestly a little annoying

as for suburbia i nor the team are satisfied with how it plays right now and due to that i have completely lost interest in the project. no im not going to continue working on it despite this because i dont want to be making something i don't even like as a hobby, and i would also like to move onto other projects so i can improve and challenge myself as a programmer and game developer instead of working on something basic for another few months or even years.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 09:53:15 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

Quote from: me
   so we have discovered a few core assumptions the dev team held about what players will do in suburbia were proven wrong during testing, the most notable being players will go out of the way to interact with their surroundings and learn the systems in place, the systems being things like resource/money acquisition, jobs, government, and ect. from what we've seen, this is empirically wrong; most players felt no desire to do anything but play out their specific niche because, from what we gather, suburbia is ultimately a sandbox instead of a real "game". aquiring all that stuff and beating other players to the punch is just not something people are interested in doing unless its very clearly telegraphed or forced upon them. the result is stagnation as most players halfheartedly dedicate themselves to one of the many scattered tdm minigames if any.

   furthering that, the deathmatches we have in place just aren't good at all. quite a few of them were bad rips of other gamemodes that lacked all of the needed features of said gamemode to function. crops were base raiders but poorly done because lots anchor crops to one place and bricks are very easily fakekilled, causing planter wars to quickly kill every crop on the server and lead to endless revenge killings. mine capturing is a bad form of control points; mines are too spread out across the map and defending them is hideously boring as it is just endlessly waiting for someone to walk in the mine. furthermore, defending one mine heavily limits all other activities such as crafting, planting, running for office, policing, ect. mines share crops problem of "if you die stuffs gone" due to their isolation, how spawning works, and the size of the map. mine gameplay is characterized by endless revenge killing and backcapping until someone just gives up.

   this continual problem of endless cycles of griefing between players is clearly evident across the spectrum of activities presented. if a player kills someone else, it is quite likely the other player will try to kill him to regain lost resources, positions, or for revenge. because there is no real way to "win" aka reset the situation, an example being a team winning a tdm, players repeatedly try to murder each other forever, causing endless, frustrating cycles of revenge killings. without a goal to work to, there is no way to reset tensions and no real justification for killing someone because doing so doesn't let you "win" anything. all of this is caused by the sandbox nature and lack of overall goal.

   its likely suburbia will have to be heavily overhauled to fix all of this if that will ever happen. the "new" suburbia will differ significantly from what the testers have seen now as the suburbia devs have decided the best solution to all of this is to "gamify" suburbia. keep in mind this does not mean "gamify" in the city rpg way, a way shared with most mmos where the goal given is to grind up a ladder endlessly. (side note: this whole experience has been an eye opener when it came to things like mmos and explains why a lot of them have linear systems of progression and stuff.) expect less frequent testing and significant deviances from the city rpg formula which can potentially include removing lots entirely and adding a win condition.

gyt doesnt feel like coding it

posting the dev topic was a mistake as it built up too much hype which was overall detrimental towards the game development process itself because i felt like i was forced to work on something that i clearly didn't have much interest in (see the like 50 different hiatuses we took). the hype was also detremential to the community as they started putting faith into a product they didn't know too much about (not calling you guys out, it's just not a lot about how the game mechanics worked was posted and if stuff like that was posted it didn't go too in depth and didn't describe how the stuff would integrate with the rest of the game) which leads to people being disappointed when the game inevitably turns into something they didn't expect or is straight up canceled like suburbia

due to this failure i have learned to not post about information pertaining to any of my projects in future because i don't want the hype train to disappoint people or force me to work on something im not enthused about

due to this failure i have learned to not post about information pertaining to any of my projects in future because i don't want the hype train to disappoint people or force me to work on something im not enthused about
well no you just gotta define very clearly what the project is beforehand and not overpromise. eg: i didn't post prison break till i already locked in most features and the style, and had a very clear idea of what i wanted the gamemode to be and not to be.

but yeah posting way too early is bad - i'd say the earliest anyone should post a project is minimum 60% done, preferably 75-80%. then the hype can fuel your investment and interest in completion of the project.

Should release the scripts and resources. I'm sure someone is interested in using it.

i think gyt owes the world tournaments for the long wait and anticipation he caused

Should release the scripts and resources. I'm sure someone is interested in using it.
The problem is like he said above that it is a hassle to fix it up, releasing the script as it is will just make more work for everyone if it is unstable, making it only fun for people who know how to fix it which is an awful thing to do.

The problem is like he said above that it is a hassle to fix it up, releasing the script as it is will just make more work for everyone if it is unstable, making it only fun for people who know how to fix it which is an awful thing to do.

An unfinished suburbia is better than no suburbia. who knows, someone might want to fix and release it.