Author Topic: post your favorite albums version 666  (Read 9999 times)

good albums Nal, even if your taste hardly extends before the 90's. stop reading pitchfork though.
I told you before I don't read pitchfork lmao
never knew you were a swans fan nal

Last night I listened to Miles's Live-Evil for the first time, I think it was supposed to be sort of a sequel to Bitches Brew. I'm guessing you've heard it? are you a fan? I dug the hell out of it.
i have, i really enjoy all of Miles' output from the "electric" era in the late 60s and early 70s
Also, are you familiar with Electric Masada?? It's a prog/jazz outfit with John Zorn. In 2005 they recorded an album called At the Mountains of Madness, it's balls-to-the-wall fusion not unlike what Miles was doing on BB-- I think you'd be a fan, if you aren't already.
i dont know of them but i will definetly check them out, thanks for the recommendation

chrs mg-br, srr rn t f vwls

released today, Brand New's Science Fiction
so loving good

decided to make a more electronic-orientated chart

good albums Nal, even if your taste hardly extends before the 90's. stop reading pitchfork though.
u told me the same but im curious what do u recommend from before the 90s
the only 80s music i listen to is vicecity

from old thread, a screencap because forget you tables are annoying:

adding onto this:


note these are just albums where I listen to atleast more than half of the songs (although bassline is a 2 hour mix), besides this I usually take specific songs from:

david bowie, biting elbows, NSP, lapfox, kavinsky, daft punk, queen, knife party, graz, johnny cash,

and have a ton of songs that caught my attention but they're like, the only song I have from said artist. mostly synthwave or metal. or metal covers of a videogame soundtrack

I feel p bad that I have trouble stomaching a lot of music before the 90's, idk why, but it just doesn't age as well for me with how spoiled I am

is that weird? can anybody recommend something? maybe im just dumb and haven't listened to the right things

i have trouble stomaching most things after the 90s tbh

I feel p bad that I have trouble stomaching a lot of music before the 90's, idk why, but it just doesn't age as well for me with how spoiled I am

is that weird? can anybody recommend something? maybe im just dumb and haven't listened to the right things

I don't actively listen to it but I love 80's music.
90's metal is p dope too

decided to make a more electronic-orientated chart
from old thread, a screencap because forget you tables are annoying:

adding onto this:


and have a ton of songs that caught my attention but they're like, the only song I have from said artist. mostly synthwave or metal. or metal covers of a videogame soundtrack

these albums are objectively god awful lmao
save for the DOOM ost


thanks for reminding us how much you don't like something, we're all better off with that knowldege

does torin have the mental age of a 12 year old