Author Topic: PSA: You can improve Blockland sound by updating OpenAL32.dll (Better ver.!)  (Read 3706 times)

The OpenAL32.dll file (the audio library OpenAL, responsible for all 3d sounds in the game) used by Blockland is version Which is very old (over 10 years old!) A newer audio library called OpenAL Soft can be used to replace this file and improve Blockland's sound majorly!

Features include:
  • Directional sound now works properly. You can now hear where you're being shot from!
  • Sound volume will no longer escalate to absurd levels when really close to the source (or if you are the source). The days of earrape /alarm in first person are over.
  • Unconfirmed: Stereo becomes loud for headphones.

Be warned that some people had more issues with sound than improvements. Don't worry about causing damage to Blockland, however; This process is fully reversible.

You can download this new file here. It's a zip archive that contains version 1.7.411 of OpenAL Soft and a readme file with instructions on how to install and uninstall.

The latest version of OpenAL Soft (unrecommended because it has lots of additions Blockland doesn't use and is almost 9 times bigger than the older one) can be found here if you prefer.

As a bonus, I've made a ready-to-use user-friendly sound test here.


*...I think? Please correct/confirm this if you know.

Old thread:
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 06:16:34 AM by Marios »

is this the exact same openAL as the last topic? or is this one even newer?

is this the exact same openAL as the last topic? or is this one even newer?

It's OpenAL Soft like in the old thread, but a newer version released in July 4th this year (1.18.0) It may or may not make a difference, but who knows?

The primary purpose of the thread is to inform users of this again (since the other thread is almost 2 years old)

I always thought Blockland had some stereo issues, if this helps that's pretty neat, thanks.

This actually does improve it, menu sounds are gone though, but at least it's got stereo.

And sadly there's a jumping twice glitch and some visual glitches, oh well.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 02:20:46 PM by Snaked_Snake »

Reposting this from the old thread:
I am almost positive that I have updated openAL in the past and then reverted it because it caused random issues for people.  Either it crashed or it didn't run or it was the sound mix up issue.  I don't remember exactly because it was years ago, but I'm pretty sure we've been down this path before.

Be warned that some people had more issues with sound than improvements. Don't worry about causing damage to Blockland, however; This process is fully reversible.

Yes, this is in the OP.

Unlikely since we're literally switching out function pointers and it has nothing to do with a cache. If the old version works with the code TGE has now, it *should* theoretically work with the new DLL, the main issue being header/dll incompatibility, which brings me to my next point...

Just updating the DLL and having incompatible AL-related #defines in TGE (or deprecated methods, whichever), coupled with the fact that there's virtually no error handling in there is probably the reason why there's weird effects happening. There's barely anything to tell you if something went wrong so it just goes with it and this is what you get. Welcome to DLL Hell.

Swapping DLLs like this probably isn't the best idea for everyone anyways, though it may work for some of us lucky ones if we grab the right version (me included, I guess)

Well then. I suppose I'll try to go for an older version of OpenAL Soft tomorrow so that we have more bugfixes and less additions, if that's such an issue. I don't want to go to Hell just yet.

i still use the openAL32.dll replacement and it works like a dream. ive had no problems on two different systems.

its worth a try if you havent done it yet. if it does work, the outcome is amazing.

i can confirm 100% of what trog said
it's amazing when it works, and it has thankfully worked for me

It makes my high quality (though mono) 16-bit 44100Hz Lego Racers music for the main menu sound like GoldSrc Half-Life quality (maybe because they're 2D?)

Facing away from any audio source, such as an active music block, will make it sound low quality, this also happens when you're in first person and firing items that make noises, like the spray can, or the Assault Rifle from the Raycasting Weapons pack

I assume that's intentional though? It just sounds kinda bad to me, but this is a pretty big improvement to Blockland's audio, and there doesn't seem to be any bugs for me either
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 10:24:36 PM by Masterlegodude »

Unconfirmed: Stereo becomes loud for headphones.
The issue here isn't that stereo becomes too loud, it's becoming more sensitive.  The sound balance becomes too polarised and sounds that should come slightly towards one ear instead go entirely towards that ear.

example whipped up in like five minutes on

The issue here isn't that stereo becomes too loud, it's becoming more sensitive.  The sound balance becomes too polarised and sounds that should come slightly towards one ear instead go entirely towards that ear.
example whipped up in like five minutes on
its especially painful when someone spams a bunch of music, and while it isn't distorting, it's still loud
and you look to the left, and suddenly it's allll in your left ear.

Update: The OpenAL Soft version used is now 1.7.411. The goal is to improve Blockland's sound with as little unnecessary additions that Blockland won't use as possible. This version has been tested and it works. It is also 9 times smaller than the latest version of OpenAL Soft so it's highly recommended you change to this.

BONUS! A user-friendly directional sound test is included in OP. Go see what effect sound has before and/or after the replacement!

Everything sounds normal again, audio volumes don't explode, the direction in which you hear sounds is always consistent with where the player it looking, AND there's still no issues from having it installed, it's perfect! I just wonder if it's actually good enough that Badspot will consider putting out an update for it