Author Topic: petition to ban nix the glaceon  (Read 35527 times)

didn't this happen to me once.
yeah i voted you off the island

yeah i voted you off the island
wait did you actually start that petition lmfao

That reminds me about petitions. Did any of them actually work?


Yeah, no you haven't. It's not a democracy, this is a video game forum. Badspot and Rotondo are the only ones that determine. Report and move on, that's how it works.

who stuff in your cereal

I'm pretty sure you know yourself that I meant Badspot


Yeah, no you haven't. It's not a democracy, this is a video game forum. Badspot and Rotondo are the only ones that determine. Report and move on, that's how it works.

you sound fun at parties

who stuff in your cereal

I'm pretty sure you know yourself that I meant Badspot
Then say Badspot not 'we'.

Then say Badspot not 'we'.
What if we're all secretly badspots eyes

Is the point of this drama to ban Nix off the forums because he disobeyed your Discord rules?

...can't you get rid of him off your Discord and call it there?

petition to ban the whole population of earth from the universe

petition to ban the whole population of earth from the universe

Nix is an idiot, but he's a mostly harmless idiot. Annoying as hell though.

if nix just ignored the stuff flung at him maybe he wouldn't be such an annoying prick

if nix just ignored the stuff flung at him maybe he wouldn't be such an annoying prick

That's never going to happen, he is almost similar to Blockchip.

At least blockchip knew when to stop.

That reminds me about petitions. Did any of them actually work?
I am living proof that no, they're useless.