Author Topic: Render's autistic problematic situations.  (Read 2655 times)

I stumbled upon a server named "Render's Renderman (Please join)". I know that render servers are freebuilds but more stuffty. However, I just got the urge to go on the server and I did. The next thing you know, it's just a copy of ACM city. People were asking handicapped questions such as: "How about you give a warning when render's near." To which I replied: Duh, just use the Glitch Detector. The host, Render, gave me a warning to stop ruining the game to which I told him I wasn't. So later on as all these ridiculous questions were being asked, I came across a person who has been made render themself [/makeRenderman (Playername/BL_ID)]. The whole server seemed to be infested with these players except for myself, and one of the players was throwing the Darkness weapon at me. (An item which blinds the player for 3 seconds I think?) I asked them kindly to stop and I was greeted with this a ban of 420 (7 hours). I would send screenshots but I can't send them via Blockland ATM, so I'd rather send them via Discord. (oh and uh, please make fun of this thread if you can.)

you got, uh, any proof?
also wtf do you mean by that last sentence

(oh and uh, please make fun of this thread if you can.)

(oh and uh, please make fun of this thread if you can.)
what even
i don't understand

I would send screenshots but I can't send them via Blockland ATM
how the forget do you send screenshots via blockland

It is called ShareX. Get it. Stop making excuses for "i cant provide proof!!!"

2 ways to show proof:
uploading image to blockland forums, like this;

2 ways to show proof:uploading image to blockland forums, like this;
what I meant to upload a screenshot LMAO