before kim il-sung died during the clinton era, north and south korean relations were getting much warmer and they were closer to reunification than ever

some of you guys are alright

dont go to pyongyang tomorrow

some of you folks are fantastic

dont go to the very sad pyongyang tomorrow


Haven't conjured fictitious kids to win internet arguments yet. We'll have to wait and see if I reach that depth.

This is bait.

There's a good chunk of people in this topic who are loving stupid. I won't list names. (pat yourself on the back now.)

North Korea is likely to topple over itself before it presents a real threat. Believe it or not, the propaganda machine in North Korea is not as good as you're led to believe. Black markets in NK flood the country with western media, albeit privately. Plenty of them know their country is stuff and they live in a hell-hole, but what can ordinary people do about it when their families and themselves are threatened with forced labor, death, and knowing that whoever pulls the trigger is going to get an award for doing that. It's a loop of people backstabbing each other to benefit themselves, which is only natural given your circumstances.

When it does topple, the real threat will come from China.

There's a good chunk of people in this topic who are loving stupid. I won't list names. (pat yourself on the back now.)

North Korea is likely to topple over itself before it presents a real threat. Believe it or not, the propaganda machine in North Korea is not as good as you're led to believe. Black markets in NK flood the country with western media, albeit privately. Plenty of them know their country is stuff and they live in a hell-hole, but what can ordinary people do about it when their families and themselves are threatened with forced labor, death, and knowing that whoever pulls the trigger is going to get an award for doing that.
If Annoying Orange has the right idea, he might try to smuggle weapons into the country and cause an attack from rebels. Chances are he'll just bomb the stuff out of Pyongngnngaadnng (I don't know how to spell it) and basically destroy the country's military and politics, causing a possible reunification if SK is in a hurry to do so.

If Annoying Orange has the right idea, he might try to smuggle weapons into the country and cause an attack from rebels
you know, for all the times that the United States has done this, it's never really worked all that well.

Pyongngnngaadnng (I don't know how to spell it)

it's phonetic

USA is done. Canada 4ever

you know, for all the times that the United States has done this, it's never really worked all that well.
This time it would be different given that China has a hard on for expanding its land area. This isn't some South American contra garbage. There is a major military power there with interest in the situation already.

I wish China would absorb the little entrepreneur le that is NK already

If Annoying Orange has the right idea, he might try to smuggle weapons into the country and cause an attack from rebels. Chances are he'll just bomb the stuff out of Pyongngnngaadnng (I don't know how to spell it) and basically destroy the country's military and politics, causing a possible reunification if SK is in a hurry to do so.

North Korea is an ant. Nothing bad will happen. They will not bomb us, they will not nuke us, they won't do any real harm. They just want attention. Stop loving worrying.