Author Topic: "Why the forget Do People like This" Megathread  (Read 23653 times)

Jim Spergling Sterling. The only reason this handicap is popular is because he goes after low hanging fruit on steam that no one would think is good in the first place. When he's not making horrible reviews on real games being a pretentious twat he is crying like a sperglord about "offensive" games ignoring the actual gameplay

An example
He literally calls the devs "horrible people" for making a joke game that wasn't even close to being offensive.

um i made this so i'm using my presidential power to veto this blocking
damn... cant argue with that...........

hmm....... die
Okay, forget you too then.
Next time I think about legitimately answering a question, I'll loving slap myself with a bass guitar and post this instead:

what happens if i block you
"Then you won't be able to see my posts either."

damn... cant argue with that...........

i'm glad we could resolve this issue without further conflict. have a great day.


-Any battle royale game. They're 80% luck based and stuff

-DayZ Standalone (People will still defend this game.)

-Top down games

-Side scrollers (come on, its 2017.)


-loving anime

-Modern rap


-Any battle royale game. They're 80% luck based and stuff

-DayZ Standalone (People will still defend this game.)

-Top down games

-Side scrollers (come on, its 2017.)


-loving anime

-Modern rap
you literally listed the 8 most popular things in the universe

Okay, forget you too then.
Next time I think about legitimately answering a question, I'll loving slap myself with a bass guitar and post this instead:
I changed my mind
double die

PUBG is like streamer bait, it's so impossibly unfun

i don't know anything about pubg but it always just seemed like dayz without zombies so i wasn't interested in the slightest