Author Topic: Charlottesville protests thread  (Read 55984 times)

They shouldn't be allowed to have a ToS that would violate the first amendment

they dont tho

i think they'll get by without the neo-national socialist support lol

booting off the radicals always leads to radicalization of the platform
point me to a company that this hasn't happened to

Discord gets their business from a specific subset of users, considering their startup status.

I don't think that saves them
if people see that they're kicking people off that they disagree with then they themselves are gonna get paranoid and probably leave too
I mean think of the amount of inappropriate jokes people on this forum have made in the multiple discords people have set up, jokes that out of context would make us look tribal or loveist or whatever-ist

so no, i don't believe i'm wrong
nationalism is patriotism

you contradicted yourself and proved my point in the second sentence

you contradicted yourself and proved my point in the second sentence
yeah and bread is just dough and water. that doesn't make bread dough

if i'm not being clear, you can't distort an ideology and fly it under the same name.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 04:23:06 PM by Remurr »

Well, I mean, yeah?
I think if your ToS allows you kick people off your platform for speech you find disagreeable it should be in violation of the 1st Amendment
The only thing that needs to be curtailed are calls to violence, otherwise it should all be free to say. The only reason we're able to shut people up on either side is because we let them talk then debate them into irrelevance.
discord isn't the government, this is basically the equivalent to me telling someone to shut up and blocking them because I don't want to hear their national socialist opinion. that's not illegal in anyway.

yeah and bread is just dough and water. that doesn't make dough or water bread

if i'm not being clear, you can't distort an ideology and fly it under the same name.


discord doesnt get any support aside from the people who pay them for discord nitro so i suppose there's a reason behind it
they don't want to be associated with them incase of a legal suit or someone complaining about discord nitro spreading bigotry and racism by means of discord nitro's "anywhere emojis" thing

Oh boy

Terms of service aren't legally binding and they're only actionable to terminate service for users. I can understand certain arguments here but you're not making them.

Here's food for thought: In the era of information, influence on social media has become an increasingly bigger entity than legal bodies would like to admit. I can see how "Banning users for their ideological values" may be a bad thing if it's taken to the logical extreme and an extremist entity takes control of a popular social media website and starts trying to push propaganda to further their own agenda. I can see how the ToS could be used to silence people, but it's not reasonably going to happen and if it does, there will most likely be a mass use migration to a better platform.

they dont tho

Jesus forget are you guys intentionally missing my point? It seems like otto-san is the only one that understood what I was saying


look i understand you consider extremists as equals with regular followers, but i don't and dictionary definitions aren't convincing after seeing nationalists in action.

Terms of service aren't legally binding and they're only actionable to terminate service for users. I can understand certain arguments here but you're not making them.

Here's food for thought: In the era of information, influence on social media has become an increasingly bigger entity than legal bodies would like to admit. I can see how "Banning users for their ideological values" may be a bad thing if it's taken to the logical extreme and an extremist entity takes control of a popular social media website and starts trying to push propaganda to further their own agenda. I can see how the ToS could be used to silence people, but it's not reasonably going to happen and if it does, there will most likely be a mass use migration to a better platform.
i cant see what better alternative to discord will pop up, the program that alone punched skype, teamspeak and mumble in the gut and caused a mass migration and even an exodus of people who dont even use IRC programs to it

Well, I mean, yeah?
I think if your ToS allows you kick people off your platform for speech you find disagreeable it should be in violation of the 1st Amendment
The only thing that needs to be curtailed are calls to violence, otherwise it should all be free to say. The only reason we're able to shut people up on either side is because we let them talk then debate them into irrelevance.

Imagine how annoying it would be if everybody who got banned from BLF said their 1st Amendment rights were violated

Jesus forget are you guys intentionally missing my point? It seems like otto-san is the only one that understood what I was saying

otto sans point was that businesses aren't the government and that applying government based restrictions on privately owned businesses and the likes is a terrible idea. ike, me and remurr are also telling you the exact same thing