Author Topic: post your desktop  (Read 7163 times)

by the way i use arch

[img  width=1000][/img]
europa eugh

i miss my big 4 monitor setup :(

lol you really like showing people your desktop setup, this is like the third time i've seen it. tbh i think that text just doesn't fit very well on a transparent background. its kind of a strain to read some of that stuff when it blends in with your wallpaper.

I'll post with icons if there is enough request for it.

boi that ain't europa
close enough. both are only popular because of hollywood

""""""""""""""upgrade""""""""""""""""""""""" to linux

ive had it for sometime now but i think i just googled contemporary/minimalistic wallpapers

Yeah that's how I got mine I was googling minimalistic and abstract I think. The second wallpaper I got by googling minimalistic phantom troupe.

op is cool for using I3

I3 is awesome. I'm still unsure what distribution to use it with on one of my laptops. Currently, Xubuntu was convenient, and it had some really great fonts built in, so I got used to it.