Author Topic: FALLOUT IS loving FREE  (Read 2524 times)
HOLT forgetkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klubkool kids klub

FREE brotherS


i am the cure to gay
i am the cure to tony
i ensure this thread will not be blessed by tony's slander of the church of fallout

i ensure this thread will not be blessed by tony's slander of the church of fallout
actually he likes the first one for some reason

actually he likes the first one for some reason
from my knowledge he just doesnt like fallout 4

from my knowledge he just doesnt like fallout 4
he doesn't like fallout 3 either but he does like new vegas even though it's just f3 with crafting and iron sights

I posted this in games already

the first two fallouts suck rooster

the first two fallouts suck rooster

not gonna lie, I agree.

The first two may have been huge amazing games at the time but I'm far too used to the modern ones to have any fun with the first 2.

The first two games have been legally free for ages now.

the only key difference between fallout 3 and fallout nv was more weapons, ironsights that didn't work, and like 5 more variants of enemies

the plot in fo3 was coherent and easy to follow, straight to the point. fonv's plot was all over the place and flimsy, and the ending was a little forgeted (the boss fight was better than fo3 tho)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 10:37:59 PM by PhantOS »