This has been one of my first projects in mind ever since I've joined this community, it's a concept of a full fledged Blockland Movie which I still want to make it a reality someday.
The Dark Ore is a science fiction Blockland Movie, inspired by futuristic movies and some works from the BEE clan, it's set in the far future where the Blockland civilization colonized all of the planets on it's own solar system, they're always linked providing resources, materials and scientific discoveries, it's the golden age of science and technology, one of the planets are used only for mining where a lot of new materials had been discovered providing technological breakthroughs over the ages, and turning the scientists who discovers them into legends, the planet is populated mostly of miners and scientists, often times they separate themselves in teams, sharing the discoveries together.
One of the scientists is named Tyran (concept name for now, it might change with time) a 30 years old scientist, famous by his studies in the medical area which are archieved by his vast knowledge in material research, but such fame made him thirst for more, he joined the Team V0002, which are about 10 people, half are miners and the other half scientists, that alone bothered him so much because he wanted to discover a new material himself, but that was the only way for him to access the Ore Planet. (Concept name)
He dedicaded his life on that planet, doing anything to find the next big undiscovered material that can turn him into a legend, or for power, until one day during one of his extra midnight hours, he finds a mysterious ore, hidden in the deeps of a recent new cave that had been opened for research, it had a weird wavey effect and - *ACCESS DENIED*
I don't want to spoil too much lol, but let me know what you think and tell me if this should be worthy for a Blockland movie.