Author Topic: I have tinnitus now. (Updated title!)  (Read 2620 times)

have you pulled on your ear lobes at all? i cant imagine itd help that much with something this extreme, but any time i hear a distinct ringing, no matter how loud it is, pulling on my ear lobes makes it go away almost instantly

my dad thought i had tinnitus when soggy ear wax came out of my ears


Speaking of tinnitus, i was sick this one time where just my right ear heard things in a slightly lower pitch and had a slight case of tinnitus, it was worrying

I was listening to the 4AM theme from Animal Crossing at the time too, and the way that song sounds normally, combined with hearing normally in one ear and at a lower pitch in the other, was very trippy sounding, which only made me worry more if my condition was a permanent side-effect of whatever happened to me when i got sick

But thankfully that all went away shortly after i got better

I was listening to the 4AM theme from Animal Crossing
nice, Animal Crossing music always takes me back to each game. Nintendo actually copied some cool Jap band's music in the first AC.

really regretting all the shows i've gone to without proper hearing protection. any time there's total silence i hear static and a quiet ringing. every once in a while one of my ears will randomly get this extremely loud ringing like a grenade has gone off next to me in a videogame along with an intense pain all throughout my ear and the area behind it. lasts about 20 seconds each time, sometimes as long as an hour

protect your ears, it sucks ass later if you don't

very few people claim to hear nothing in a silent room, most people have some kind of background noise

usually its only a concern if its audible over noise and interrupting sleep/life/whatever

very few people claim to hear nothing in a silent room, most people have some kind of background noise

usually its only a concern if its audible over noise and interrupting sleep/life/whatever
I can hear it even when others are talking.
The quieter the room, the more I hear it. With headphones on or when I'm vaccuuming I can't hear it. When I'm in a lecture it's definitely still there and I can hear it. In a silent room it's ridiculously loud.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 07:37:08 PM by DrenDran »

just use caffine and power through the night