Author Topic: haven and hearth  (Read 578 times)

Gameplay video:
Official trailer: Video on link
What is Haven & Hearth?

Haven & Hearth is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) set in a fictional world loosely inspired by Slavic and Germanic myth and legend. The game sets itself apart from other games in the genre in its aim to provide players with an interactive, affectable and mutable game world, which can be permanently and fundamentally changed and affected through actions undertaken by the players. Our fundamental goal with Haven & Hearth is to create a game in which player choices have permanent and/or lasting effects and, thus, providing said players with a meaningful and fun gaming experience.

Players start the game surrounded by a vast and somewhat unforgiving wilderness, with only the most basic tools of survival at their disposal. The use of fire is a thematic focal point of the game's mythos, and an early and important task will be the simple lighting of one. As the first hearth fires disperse the darkness of the surrounding wilderness, more pressing questions will present themselves to the players: Who are they? Where are they? And, most importantly, where are they going? From this point on, players will have to blaze trails of their own into the unknown, the wilderness and the future, and explore and affect the world of Haven & Hearth using only their own best judgment and a chipped stone axe. Trust us, the stone axe is the stuff.

As players progress, they will be able to acquire new skills and abilities, allowing them to perform a variety of tasks—such as the claiming of land, the construction of buildings and the cultivation of crops—each step forward making the basic task of survival somewhat easier. Having progressed far enough, players will, in time, be able to organize themselves into societies, from simple tribes and villages, progressing through republics, nation states and, ultimately, empires.

A bloodthirsty survival based game that features full-scale terraforming, a range of different skills, and a progression system based on crafting curiosities and eating different kinds of food.

What's changed since 2010?

The game has changed wildly over the past few years. In fact, about 8 months ago, it underwent a change into a completely new version: Haven & Hearth 2 (Hafen). There's 5x more content now and a completely different graphical interface than legacy Haven & Hearth. Everything is 3d now instead of isometric 2d, and the old, stuffty combat system has been revamped.

What's this business about 'A Blockland Tradition'?

You youngins on the forums might not remember this, but at a time, Haven & Hearth was the second most popular game thread on these forums. Different groups of forumers each ran their own towns, with Gamefandan, Bisjac, and Tikitai operating the largest villages. We'd all follow along as they'd expand, trade, and eventually get ransacked by other players.

Every time the world reset, we'd get a new thread. The largest of which was world 4. If you want to brush up on some ancient, 2010 forum politics, then head over to the old thread:

Where can I join other people?

This game is best played with other people because accomplishing anything requires a significant time commitment on your own. Even with a group of four people, you can expect a simple operation like setting up walls or flattening some land to take many hours. For this reason, your accomplishments in this game have special meaning, and people will go through great lengths to defend their societies in Haven & Hearth. There is an entire section on the forums dedicated to bounties for criminals and vandals.

Few pics: