It looks a bit too quadrilateral but this is Blockland, so what can you do. Good addon but there's some oddities:
Monokuma seems to lack animations for any tool or weapon except the Hammer, which swings once when you click and only once when you hold it.
A new sound despairButton.wav is added to the game, playable by bricks but isn't incorporated into the playertype in any way.
Is it a Danganronpa reference or did you rip it off from Despair Syndrome/Fever or something?
It's from Danganronpa
I am working on my own version of Despair for Blockland, more based on the anime instead
of an SMM edit. Originally the pack was named Server_Despair but I stripped it down and
renamed it specifically for the Monokuma playertype because the rest of the mod is private.
Sorry ya'll only get the monokuma playertype for now D:
As for animations, it only has run, jump, sit, and death so far, but I might add more later