Author Topic: Ultimate Abilities (like overwatch)  (Read 1573 times)

this sounds really ambitious but it would be super useful for a gamemode I'm trying to make

if you've ever played overwatch then you would know what these are. after dealing a certain amount of damage/healing and charging up a meter you would get access to a powerful ability that gives you a new weapon or set of abilities temporarily
so here is what I'm asking: ultimate items that have to be charged up by dealing damage (or charges very slowly by itself) and will give you new playertypes/weapons for a certain period of time
you can edit these to change what weapons and playertypes you get by going to a certain area in your folders/server settings as well as there more than one of the item so nobodys stuck using the same one all game

if anyone can make these I will love them forever and maybe give them a bit of money

bump cause I really want this
also it could play some sound server wide when you activate it or a center print server wide or just minigame wide- also it should reset when minigame is reset/ends
as well as having an option to increase by taking damage  (not mandatory)

sounds doable, do you want players to automatically swap into their ultimate state when they're charged up, or should it be activated with something?
does progress reset on death, or does it persist over lives (like in overwatch)

also some examples of weapon sets/ultimate sets might help

sounds doable, do you want players to automatically swap into their ultimate state when they're charged up, or should it be activated with something?
does progress reset on death, or does it persist over lives (like in overwatch)

also some examples of weapon sets/ultimate sets might help
It would be toggled manually, and progress would only be reset on minigame end/new round. an example set would be getting standard playertype with rocket launcher- however just to restate from OP,
you can edit these to change what weapons and playertypes you get by going to a certain area in your folders/server settings as well as there more than one of the item so nobodys stuck using the same one all game

bump because i still want this

i will bump this until the day i die or until it is made

currently it sounds like a fairly large bit of effort to add capabilities for everything
if you were more specific, it would narrow the scope a ton

currently it sounds like a fairly large bit of effort to add capabilities for everything
if you were more specific, it would narrow the scope a ton

i tried to be extremely specific but the basis is this.

there will be 20+ that all can be customized in a menu in the server settings.
the items can change the playertype the player is, their weapons, and their health. the items they had beforehand will be gone as well as the ultimate item while it is in effect.
once the ultimate wears off the items they had beforehand will be restored, their playertype, as well as the ultimate item itself.
once the ultimate activates the charge meter will be reset. the meter will be displayed on bottomprint when the item is held and when it fills up it will notify the player via a message in chat.
these items will be invisible when held, and when clicked after being charged up after doing a certain amount of damage/healing (this amount will be set by the customize menu) will activate the ultimate.
the ultimates can be changed respectively via the menu. each one will have its own page in the menu with the details that can be changed like how long it lasts, or the playertype the player has while it activates, or what weapons it has, etc. it can use any weapon or playertype the player has in their server.
the host will be able to decide who can edit them or not, but by the very minimum only admins can.

i tried to be extremely specific but the basis is this.


wew lad