Author Topic: [NEWS] siphon curry has a stroke live on blockland  (Read 9525 times)

isnt nature beautiful

shortly after the last picture he goes back to spamming reconnects
then he started doing the random chat again
then did more reconnecting
then did more chatting
then did more reconnecting
hes still going right now come and see on rising lava

Yep he's doing this in Rising Lava too - ID is 53032

Note: He is using Client_Trolling using keybind commands to send 4+ messages in less than 0.5 seconds.

Siphon is most likely Ravencroft, that's the name he uses on Discord

Oh god is Ravencroft back (as siphon curry)

these are some hilarious hijinks /support
isnt this guy ravencroft or something

[NEWS] he stopped now

who knows, he might strike again

if anyone has the anti-client_trolling script download, we need it so we can protect ourselves

Oh god is Ravencroft back (as siphon curry)
Oh yea someone told me that it was Ravencroft weeks ago - I should've payed more attention

if anyone has the anti-client_trolling script download, we need it so we can protect ourselves
I actually own the antitroll script since I was able to few the source of the client_Trolling before it got encrypted (and even after it got encrypted) (as you all know we had this issue before and Akio released my AntiTroll script somewhere on the forum but I do not know which topic it was in drama) - I still have to remake it because it's basically called Essentials now. It has tons of features instead of just protecting your server

it isnt ravencroft
its supposedly big brother

it isnt ravencroft
its supposedly big brother
can you prove that? 4 people told me that this ID was specifically ravencroft

Oh god is Ravencroft back (as siphon curry)

thanks for stating the obvious

it isnt ravencroft
its supposedly big brother
it's raven you ignorant forget lol