Author Topic: Saudi arabia said lebanon declared war against them  (Read 5728 times)

Nuclear warheads use the process of nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms to create energy. You know what hydrogen fusion creates?

Helium. That's right. The stuff that causes balloons to literally defy gravity itself. That means that there's no way nukes can be real, because they'd just simply float upward into space, because helium is less dense than air.
Except the air way up high is much thinner and eventually the balloon will no longer ascend.

Unfortunately, you cannot point a gun at a nuclear warhead and expect to scare it away
Could we try to stay on topic?

Except the air way up high is much thinner and eventually the balloon will no longer ascend.

Strange. It's almost as if there's a secondary force acting on the balloon pulling it towards the Earth

Unfortunately, you cannot point a gun at a nuclear warhead and expect to scare it away

Tell that to the Star Wars program (Which is actually just a laser pointer bolted to the top of the dome surrounding Flat Earth, since orbital physics is a lie made up by glow in the dark CIA mondays)

Tell that to the Star Wars program (Which is actually just a laser pointer bolted to the top of the dome surrounding Flat Earth, since orbital physics is a lie made up by glow in the dark CIA mondays)
Lol, I do suppose a giant laser gun would work. we all got one of those layin' around somewhere

Nuclear warheads use the process of nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms to create energy. You know what hydrogen fusion creates?

Helium. That's right. The stuff that causes balloons to literally defy gravity itself. That means that there's no way nukes can be real, because they'd just simply float upward into space, because helium is less dense than air.
Dont nuclear warheads use fission?
idk im not an expert

Dont nuclear warheads use fission?

Yes, but for the purpose of creating fusion

Little Boy was a uranium fission bomb, Fat Man was a plutonium fission bomb, I believe the modern nuclear weapon is a hydrogen thermonuclear bomb. Simply put: It is a fission bomb that transfers it's energy into a second stage, mainly composed of some isotope of hydrogen, which then undergoes nuclear fusion via means that are very secret for obvious reasons, but could probably be simplified as "makes it really hot"

If the US was to nuke the middle east then the world would go into nuclear warfare, meaning the end of the world. That would be the same if North Korea did it or anyone else. Even if it's somewhere that isn't the middle east then there would be nuclear warfare, a country nuking another country would just cause total cluster forgetery in the whole world. The likes of any country dropping any nukes at the moment is 2.1%, the only country that would have the balls to drop a nuke on someone would probably be North Korea because they're insane but recently Annoying Orange and Kim have been at a bit of a proxy war as they aren't doing anything and are trading insults on twitter like 14 year old children in high school.

Therefore absoloutley no one at the moment would drop a bomb and even if a world war was to happen, no one would drop a nuke because they want to invade and take territories. They don't want to completley vaporize the territory and kill the people within it because psychologically they want to change people's minds, meaning if they invade a country they want the people in that country to abide by the same rules and polices that the invaders live up to. To be honest Nuclear weaponry is a waste of money and it's just scientists creating weapons of mass destruction in the progress of making tons of cash, they've used their intelligance for the bad of mankind

Unfortunately, you cannot point a gun at a nuclear warhead and expect to scare it away

as we all know iron shield doesn't exist or anything

as we all know iron shield doesn't exist or anything
you expect some weapons that rely on gravity to exist? of course they'd be imaginary

tbh i think the whole “one nuclear bomb dropped would end the world” argument is bad. i get there is allies and political interests involved, but i doubt nuking one country would completely rip apart the moral fiber and general common sense of every world leader/military official and cause them to launch all their nukes. it’d start world war probably, but not nuclear war

we should nuke our nuclear weapon stockpile

If the US was to nuke the middle east then the world would go into nuclear warfare, meaning the end of the world

the only country that would even consider firing back at an american nuclear strike is russia, and the moment they realize that the missile's not headed for them, they wouldn't press the trigger. that being said, nuking the middle east is still loving handicapped, but firing a nuke at a non-nuclear state does not automatically mean global nuclear war - that's just a stupid assertion

The likes of any country dropping any nukes at the moment is 2.1%, the only country that would have the balls to drop a nuke on someone would probably be North Korea because they're insane but recently Annoying Orange and Kim have been at a bit of a proxy war as they aren't doing anything and are trading insults on twitter like 14 year old children in high school.

that's not what a proxy war is

meaning if they invade a country they want the people in that country to abide by the same rules and polices that the invaders live up to

not necessarily

To be honest Nuclear weaponry is a waste of money and it's just scientists creating weapons of mass destruction in the progress of making tons of cash, they've used their intelligance for the bad of mankind

t. high school freshman

1. nuclear deterrence
2. the military industrial complex makes its money off of jets, guns and tanks, not nukes
3. so far the only nuclear strike done in the history of the world resulted in the circumvention of a second D-day and land invasion that would've cost millions more lives

Except the air way up high is much thinner

1. nuclear deterrence
2. the military industrial complex makes its money off of jets, guns and tanks, not nukes
3. so far the only nuclear strike done in the history of the world resulted in the circumvention of a second D-day and land invasion that would've cost millions more lives
1. you don't need nuclear deterrence if nobody has nukes [black_thinking_man.jpg]
2. yeah probably
3. Okay this is really up for debate, I would argue the Japanese were going to surrender anyway. Had we allowed them to keep their emperor (which we ended up doing anyway), they likely would have surrendered before the nukes were even dropped. Even so, a prominent official from the Japanese government at the time stated that the surrender was really due to the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, and that the American nukes had little to do with it. And if you think about it, that makes sense - they didn't know about the effects of radiation, and the destruction from Little Boy and Fat Man weren't really that great compared to American firebombing campaigns.