Author Topic: [Support] EventScript - Sharing events for the future  (Read 10242 times)

Thing is, all of them are from US, and therefore they are sound asleep. I might add to the repo some sort of way to send some sort of notification to all of them whenever someone uploads/edits their archive. But if you think about it, that is just ridiculous.

But I rather not want to talk abut it over here, as this is not the right topic to speak about it.

tl;dr: Until BLG have made the upload system a lot better than it is now, I will not use it.

besides all that, nice addon, I hope to see some more!

I do try my best to give what BL community needs. I have more plans for this add-on. But when updates will come, not even I know. I mostly add/fix stuff on a whim when I find time for it.

You could check my other add-ons. All of them can be downloaded from my mirror.

Thanks for the link. Some good stuff in there.

Quote from: v1.7 changelog
Fixed issue with empty parameters.


For developers, this sadly changes how params is read, so that needs to be updated for those that is using it. I'll put up more info on development topic. Here is info about it.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 02:39:51 AM by mctwist »

For Mac keybinds, look at the new duplicator. Zeb did some trial and error with me testing and we figured out how to make natural cmd-keybinds.

Well, I checked it just now and found out that you guys are just overriding the current system with your own map. I doubt that'll help me as the user needs to be able to change it himself.

Of course, I could go way around people and add my own keybind completely overriding any other keybinds existing. I'll ponder on that and will see what I can conclude from it.

Edit: I looked into it. Doable, but I'll see if it'll look alright. I'll do as he does by forcing the keybinds no matter what.

Edit2: I've made a fix for it. I'll check with a Mac user on Discord if it's fixed.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 03:33:00 AM by mctwist »

I tried the fix with a Mac user but apparently it didn't work. It's almost exactly of how Zeblote does it, but the only difference is what keybinds. We think it is that the cursor is locked to an input field, and therefore disabling keybinds for Mac.

The keybinds are only forced if the user hasn't set their own.

We think it is that the cursor is locked to an input field, and therefore disabling keybinds for Mac.
If this is the issue, it might be caused with what type of bindings you use. Just browsing through the .dso source, I notice that most of the common keybinds (e.g. moveforward, brick controls) use moveMap.bind(...). However, some more important keybinds such as toggleConsole, toggleFullScreen, etc use GlobalActionMap.bind(...)
For example:
Code: [Select]
GlobalActionMap.bind(keyboard, "tilde", toggleConsole);
GlobalActionMap.bindCmd(keyboard, "alt enter", "", "togFullScreen();");
GlobalActionMap.bindCmd(keyboard, "F1", "", "contextHelp();");

moveMap is just declared in the .dso with:
Code: [Select]
new ActionMap(moveMap){};
However, GlobalActionMap isn't created anywhere in the .dso source, meaning that it is more than likely created in the engine, possibly giving it special properties.

Somewhat speculative, but worth investigating in my opinion.

The only difference that I know of is that GlobalActionMap is always active. moveMap is only set to being active while in a server.

I've reworked the fix toward GlobalActionMap. Hopefully this will do it. If it does not, then I have no idea how to deal with this kind of thing. I'll post an update of how it's going when tests are done.

Honestly this seems easier than normal eventing with the only exception being drop-down menus.

Quote from: v1.8 changelog
Fixed empty parameters.
Fixed indexing with parameters.


I need to apologize for this update, as I thought I had added this feature, but apparently I had not. This will fix the issues you might have encountered in the previous version.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 06:06:29 PM by mctwist »

Quote from: v1.9 changelog
Fixed key bindings for Mac.
