
is mocheeze gay

5 (38.5%)
no but the nc is
8 (61.5%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: Mocheeze has been summoned!™  (Read 18347 times)

Most of us did until now
im pretty sure almost nobody took it seriously

the dead dont know that they're dead

lmao this thread

maybe hes a zombie

« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 12:45:20 PM by cooolguy32 »

i wasn't around to see the joke unfold so i only heard about him dying so i had no idea it was a joke? huh well alright thas gud i guess

i wasn't around to see the joke unfold so i only heard about him dying so i had no idea it was a joke? huh well alright thas gud i guess
either ways
he mightive jsut fallen off the ballon from like 2 inches
but he probably was a big baby about it
and he considered himself dead

Honestly thought it was real because everyone who told me he died was convinced it was real too.

Inb4 Mocheeze appears in this thread.

mocheeze come back and help develop blg