Author Topic: Critawakets, and the Signs of a Sociopath  (Read 14710 times)

Critawakets, and the Signs of a Sociopath

  • Disregard for right and wrong
  • Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others
  • Being callous, cynical and disrespectful of others
  • Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or personal pleasure
  • Arrogance, a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated
  • Recurring problems with the law, including criminal behavior
  • Repeatedly violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty
  • Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead
  • Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, aggression or violence
  • Lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others
  • Unnecessary risk-taking or dangerous behavior with no regard for the safety of self or others
  • Poor or abusive relationships
  • Failure to consider the negative consequences of behavior or learn from them
  • Being consistently irresponsible and repeatedly failing to fulfill work or financial obligations
The points in bold are ones I will be discussing in this drama.
Source: (Mayo Clinic)

Part 1: Arrogance

Critawakets is a narcissist, plain and simple. He considers everyone around him, including his "friends" like Queeba, inferior and sub-human, especially those who don't agree with his pseudo-intellectual knowledge, willing to state that he'd be willing to permit the deaths of such people (which I will bring up again later) such as in his infamous rant on the forums resembling something straight out of 1984. Tragically for Critawakets, none of his ideals makes any logical sense and would never work in any practical fashion, as well considerably violate human rights. Blindsighted by his self-importance and with no way to defend his points, he often results to fallacies, threats, and attempts to get pity (which I will also bring up again later) which always backfire on him, never apologizing or regretting what he's done. Critawakets always thinks that Critawakets is always right.

Part 2: Violence

Critawakets is a violent person. A lot of what he says on this forum involves death or the wishing of death upon others. He shows no care for human life or regret for the loss of it. He, in fact, considers death a good thing. "Murder always helps." He constantly countless paragraphs and manifestos talk about how killing people he considers undesirables or those who don't agree with him would benefit the world without any thought put into it beforehand, thinking everyone will just accept what he deems just. Such is the same with many killer and psychopaths.

Part 3: Manipulation, Delusions, and Lack of Remorse

And so comes the final point of the drama, Critawakets will NEVER take responsibility for his actions. 100% of the time he will lie or make an excuse, blaming it on depression and emotions then whoring for sympathy, betraying people and throwing someone else under the bus to clear his name, claiming that valid points against him are fake or lies, or saying it was a joke/he was trolling. In his eyes, the problem will never lie on him, but always someone else. You can see this in Queeba's recent drama.
To be honest, the only reason i was not dramaing queeba was because im too lazy.

The guy has a massive ego nowadays. [size= 1pt]He also shares all of the symptoms of sociopathism. I tried to tell him to go see if he had anything psychologic formally and what i was met with was a vote on his discord to ban me (Which was probably rigged, i might add. He mostly wanted the vote just so he could get rid of me without any backlash.) and then saying i was constantly harrassing him.[/size]
After finding a scapegoat good enough for him, he'll use and abuse it until he gets his way. A prime example is Critawaket's toxic relationship with Queeba and his discord. Critawakets has been banned from it 3 times now, and every time Critawakets has came crying to Queeba (or one of his friends who were mods in the discord), begging to be let back in and whining about how it wasn't actually his fault. Queeba, being young and easily manipulated, fell for it twice before people literally mass complained about Crita so much that he had to be banned from the discord by vote (which was 16-1, that 1 being Critawakets himself). Not once has he ever even apologized or owned up to his wrongs for the smallest of things, because in his eyes he can do no wrong.

If you're reading this Critawakets (and I hope you are), get some loving help. You're considered toxic person and disliked by nearly the entire community for good reasons. Maybe next time before you go on a rant about how you want someone to die or some other bullstuff from your "philosophy" you could think before you post and maybe, just maybe, own up to your own actions when you are in the wrong.

I've drama'd this guy for being a complete and total autistic loving handicap at least two times. support to the max

>i kind of even would want to see a picture of his corpse

jesus christ

>i kind of even would want to see a picture of his corpse

jesus christ
this quote is about me by the way. He's said some other forgeted up stuff about me in discord chats that but that's the one I have saved

dude celau loving thank you

how to kill a person only with a forum post

this is the best drama ive seen in weeks
i dont have words to express how much this dude bugs me

Now this is how you make a good drama.

i usually shy away from armchair lego forum psychology, but with crit you've got believe there's something wrong with that kid. there's nothing good to say about him -- he's just totally reprehensible