Author Topic: forumers, what's your bank balance? 18+ ONLY  (Read 6208 times)

I'm stupid and took 5 years to graduate, the last year I had to retake two classes which were a spring and a fall semester only so that sucked.  Then for the past 6 months I've been just working at my internship 40 hours a week. I was really dumb and only registered for 3 credits instead of 6 so now my student loans start collecting in December.

But 12k of Stafford loans is nothing to lose sleep over at all.  I know people that went to private schools and racked up to 6 figures in private student loans.  Hell there are people that come from out of state to my school which is a state school, the tuition for them is about 2.5x what I pay.

i'm on my 4th year and i'm not loving around anymore. all i need to do is pass one math class and i'm done. my only worry is that i won't find a job in my major (journalism) but we'll see as time progresses.

hopefully i'll be able to pay it off sooner than 20 years.

i avoid getting loans like they're pickles

and i hate pickles

Granted I do have a 316k mortgage, I think I'm still doing pretty well. Right now I'm just saving my money up for a deposit for a second house. All my money goes into this account which offsets the interest for my mortgage which is cool.

hey wanna help a brother out

"18+ only" forget the law

100 R$

i've got like $100 in my checking, $100 in my investing, and $150 in bitcoin. i had to pay for my contacts and pay back a friend recently soooooOooOoo i'm b r o k e

do you not pay bills or something? i work 26 hours a week ans attend uni and still have to take out student loans. i also work full time over the summer, but almost all that money goes towards schooling. i make just enough to pay my $500~ rent each month + food. i have money in my savings that i don’t touch, but it’s very realistic that you wouldn’t have extra money
my rent is 700 a month(utilities included) + my schooling which is 8k a term

I also have student loans but I do paid internships every 4 months so that must be it

Are you in the US? how much do you pay for school?

Hey just wondering have you heard of uh Kids Dont Usually Have Jobs
altho "if you have a job you have no reason to have below several thousand dollars" is definitely bullstuff and frankly ur a fool
I alternate between 4 months of schooling and 4 months of works and i always have that much money in my bank like wtf if you have a full time/part time job you should not have 47$ in your bank

also if you are in high school thats even worse because you are not paying anything besides raking in money if you have a job

in HS i saved up 10k+ from working at walmart for 2 years

I alternate between 4 months of schooling and 4 months of works and i always have that much money in my bank like wtf if you have a full time/part time job you should not have 47$ in your bank

also if you are in high school thats even worse because you are not paying anything besides raking in money if you have a job

in HS i saved up 10k+ from working at walmart for 2 years
i saved up more money than that by doing nothing

i saved up more money than that by doing nothing

lol, but that proves my point even further

lol, but that proves my point even further
where in your point are you talking about gifted money
anyway i still have like 9 eur on my bank regardless

where in your point are you talking about gifted money
anyway i still have like 9 eur on my bank regardless
who gave you more than 10k for doing nothing?