Author Topic: 23-year-old research actress commits Self Delete after bullying over "homophobic" tweets  (Read 12156 times)

Every man has their time to die, if I must go in order to remove the stain of LGBTQWERTY filth from this land, I shall gladly cast myself among the flames.

Immediately retracts his claim as soon as the Gestapo knocks down his door

You're incredibly unfunny, and just generally boring.

yOURe inCrEdiBLy UnfuNnY

a win for sjw's everywhere!

How to exhaust your medical bills 101

this only applies to msm networks not youtubers
>implying fake news has to be on a news site

>implying fake news has to be on a news site

Are you gonna sit here and tell me Metokur is fake news or something
Like, his screenshots are doctored or what

we all know that youtube """skeptics""" are a reliable source of information I know metokur doesn't include himself in that community but you get my gist[/url]
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 08:49:39 PM by Electrk.. »

Are you gonna sit here and tell me Metokur is fake news or something
Like, his screenshots are doctored or what

well for one thing he's a few years late on the pozz degeneracy to be super outraged about it lmfao

we all know that youtube """skeptics""" are a reliable source of information I know metokur doesn't include himself in that community but you get my gist[/url]

I mean the ones that actually do research instead of just parroting what the community is talking about are fine? If you can point out a problem with people like Sargon, TL;DR, Aydin Paladin, and Hard Bastard I'd be genuinely curious because as far as I've seen they're less reactionary than people like Shoe0nhead or ArmouredSkeptic or uh, the Warskis or whoever else kind of just goes "HA THIS IS A THING WE'RE TALKING ABOUT"

well for one thing he's a few years late on the pozz degeneracy to be super outraged about it lmfao

super late = fake news

hey hey hey I posted it because it was relevant okay