Author Topic: Famous Blocklanders?  (Read 5669 times)

just think: idiots of blockland became idiots of Gmod

which became the gmod idiot box

which set the standard for mainstream gmod animation

blockland jumpstarted the whole genre that is gmod animation

where does the gr8 boy get recognised

where does the gr8 boy get recognised
TF2 and some other game he's posted screencaps of the chat window of

Lord Tony is a known troll in a lot of places I frequent lol

I remember finding a brony documentary he posted that got a lot of traction

I'm a living meme in another community I'm a part of

Mack the Hunter is touring with a band, people pay real money to see him play music, that is pretty legendary imo

Gr8dayseth occasionally gets recognized outside of the BLF
where does the gr8 boy get recognised
TF2 and some other game he's posted screencaps of the chat window of
tbf tho it's just me getting recognized from here but i still love it it warms my heart every time <3
also the other game is overwatch

i have 6,188 Twitter followers, 14,448 followers where i stream, and 912 downloads/purchases on my Bandcamp, am i cool?

912 downloads/purchases on my Bandcamp
that's actually a hell of an achievement good 4 u VH

remember that kid you made fun of on the blockland forums? that was robin williams

remember that kid you made fun of on the blockland forums? that was robin williams

we drove a kid to Self Delete?

like 8 people have heard of me. booya