
period race

43 (54.4%)
36 (45.6%)

Total Members Voted: 79

Author Topic: Blocklander of the Year 2017 [CONAN]  (Read 80351 times)

woah you should not post pictures you included on a resume on an online forum ((woah))
ya but someone being dumb doesnt excuse others doing bad things with iy

ya but someone being dumb doesnt excuse others doing bad things with iy
yeah it's like someone piles of gold on their front lawn

doesn't mean it's right to steal it

(stuffty brown townogy put it's approx the same lmao)

Gamefandan's rpg server was cool so I am voting for him

gonna let this one run for two days

Is this the last poll, or do the top two of this one go one more? I'm just a little confused because it was a tournament bracket up until now.

nah it's the last poll

nah it's the last poll
oh, okay.

vote for me I brush my hair AT LEAST four times a day. top that.

Conan and Mega Bear yis.

Happy to have made it this far, I realize I am outclassed.

I love mega bear but I voted for pecon. still luv u mega bear but I luv pecon 2% more

Happy to have made it this far, I realize I am outclassed.
agreed, it's very humbling to be recognized like this... all I did was build and give people criticisms! if that's so good then I guess I'll keep it up :p
ed:  but yea, I think conan and pecon are in a league well beyond me. lots of respect to those two for the content they have made for this game.

I love mega bear but I voted for pecon. still luv u mega bear but I luv pecon 2% more
« Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 12:26:08 AM by Mega-Bear »

nah it's the last poll
optionally you could do a run-off if one person doesn't win a majority of the vote

o man this is a hard one but i went with my boi beary

i am so beat between conan and megabear