Author Topic: ai strategy battle  (Read 10160 times)

very good progress. i would love to take a peek at that ai code......

its nothing special. the ai pathfinding bots from earlier in the topic have a separate ai from the battle bots.  the battle bots do share some basic ass obstacle avoidance stuff with the pathfinding bots though where if they detect a wall in the way of their path they'll try walking around it or if they detect a player blocking their path they'll sidestep around them or jump over them or push them out of the way.

ooooo neat
very good progress. i would love to take a peek at that ai code......
goodness conan! at least take the ai out to dinner first

i would love to take a peek at that ai code...... is the only special part of the battle bot ai which is the obstacle avoidance. needs some work but it does get the job done nicely

make them not jump up stairs